1. I knew a man of letters and loved him
But soon this beloved was gone
١. عَرَفتُ أَديباً فَأَحببته
وَسُرعان ما غابَ هَذا الحَبيب
2. And now, alas, when I speak to him
In an instant he fails to respond
٢. وَيا لَهفي الآن كَلّمته
وَفي لَحظةٍ باتَ لا يَستَجيب
3. Oh how I grieve, the days have torn
The cloak of youth from his stooped frame
٣. وَيا حَسرَتي لِلرَدى مَزَّقَت
يَداه رِداءَ الشَباب القَشيب
4. Once sturdy upon his shoulders
Now from him, gray and frail remain
٤. وَكانَ نَضيراً عَلى منكبيه
فَأَصبَح مِنهُ سَليباً خَضيب
5. Grief called me, and I obeyed
Weeping for him with flowing tears
٥. دَعاني البُكاء فَلبّيته
جزوعاً عَلَيهِ بِدَمع صَبيب
6. And I walked in his funeral, humble
Bidding him farewell amidst great fear
٦. وَسِرتُ بِموكبه خاشِعاً
أُشيِّعه بَينَ حَفلٍ مُهيب
7. The wreaths upon him their perfume shed
And near his features, all scents excel
٧. تُفيضُ أَكاليلُهُ طيبها
وَدون شَمائله كُلُّ طيب
8. Then from his grave I turned back
Before me, weeping, and behind as well
٨. وَعَدت عَن القَبر في العائِدين
أَمامي نَحيبٌ وَخَلفي نَحيب
9. In every soul, grief remains
In every heart for him, fire does swell
٩. وَفي كُل نَفسٍ لَهُ لَوعة
وَفي كُل قَلب عَلَيهِ لَهيب
10. I knew a man of noble traits
And loved in him, the wise and keen
١٠. عَرَفت أَديباً حَميد الخِصال
وَأَحبَبتُ فيهِ الذَكيَّ اللَبيب
11. A soul like a soft breeze to the heart
That would blow and revive one forlorn
١١. وَروحاً عَلى القَلب مثل النَسيم
يَهبُّ فَينعش قَلب الكَئيب
12. He was content with his hopes
I pray to God they do not fail
١٢. وَكانَ قَريراً بِآماله
فَأَدعو لَهُ اللَه أَلّا تَخيب
13. He saw them with a doubtful eye
But time has for people, a watchful eye
١٣. وَكانَ يَراها بِعَين الأَريب
وَلَكنَّ للدَهر عينَ الرَقيب
14. He pursued them with wondrous zeal
But time has for all, a wondrous way
١٤. وَيَكلأها بِالنَشاط العَجيب
وَلِلدَهر في الناس شَأن عَجيب