
I swear by the Merciful, from the hur

أنا بالرحمن من حو

1. I swear by the Merciful, from the hur
whose eyes break my sleepiness,

١. أَنا بِالرَحمَن مِن حو
رٍ يكَسِّرن جفونا

2. Bewitching doves that dazzle the eyes.
I said they're from here, and my words

٢. دارِجات كَحَمام ال
أيك يبهرن العُيونا

3. were ignorance and madness.
Then from among them came a beauty

٣. قُلت مِن هُنّ وَقَولي
كانَ جَهلاً وَجُنونا

4. that awakened my sorrows,
And she answered me, though I did not know

٤. فَاِنبَرَت مِنهُن حَسنا
ء فَأذكَتني شُجونا

5. if she was serious or joking:
"We are your bliss and passion,

٥. وَأَجابَتني وَلَم أَد
رِ أَجدّاً أَم مُجونا

6. and we have seduced you with seduction."

٦. نَحنُ مِن سُمناك وَجداً
وَفتنّاك فتونا