
You swore you would not speak to me

حلفت ألا تكلميني

1. You swore you would not speak to me
And my bad luck came before the oath

١. حلفتِ أَلّا تكلميني
وَسوء حَظي قَبلَ اليَمين

2. Whether you have mercy on me or wrong me
You will not do me justice

٢. إِن ترَحَميني تعذبيني
أَو تَظلميني لا تَنصفيني

3. O you whose love shed my tears
And ignited the fire in my ribs

٣. يا من هَواها أَجرى دُموعي
وَأَشعل النار في ضُلوعي

4. When you were sure of my submission
You swore you would not speak to me

٤. لَما تَيقَّنتِ مِن خضوعي
حلفت أَلّا تُكلِميني

5. I knew my love and the length of my passion
And how I tend to the pact of love

٥. عَرَفتُ وَجدي وَطول سهدي
وَكَيفَ أَرعى في الحُب عَهدي

6. God suffices me after your affection
You swore you would not speak to me

٦. اللَهُ حَسبي أَبَعدَ وَدي
حلفت أَلّا تَكلميني

7. I carried in my heart much sorrow from you
That melted my flesh and bones

٧. حَملتُ في القَلب مِنك غَما
أَذاب جسمي لَحماً وَعَظما

8. And you were most cruel to me
When you swore you would not speak to me

٨. وَكُنتِ أَقسى عليَّ لَمّا
حَلفتِ أَلّا تَكلميني

9. You neglected it, as I reckon
Tomorrow I will call out when I yearn

٩. هَذا فُؤادي لَديك وَهن
ذهلت عَنهُ فيما أَظن

10. You swore you would not speak to me

١٠. غَداً أُنادي إِذا أَحن
حَلفتِ أَلّا تَكلميني