
My soul is the ransom of a blue-eyed band

روحي فداء عصابة زرقاء

1. My soul is the ransom of a blue-eyed band
That braided the hair of a pretty, beautiful one

١. روحي فِداءُ عصابةٍ زَرقاءِ
لَمّت شُعورَ مَليحة حَسناءِ

2. It did not adorn you, but adorned her
With its proximity to your bright forehead

٢. ما زَيّنَتكِ وَإِنَّما زَيّنتِها
بِجوارها لجبينك الوضّاءِ

3. And its nearness from an alluring eyelash
Of a charming, fatal, houri-like one

٣. وَدُنوّها مِن مُقلة مَكحولة
فَتّانةٍ فَتّاكةٍ حَوراءِ

4. Indeed beauty, when it is brought together
Then woe, all woe, to the poets

٤. إِن الجمال إِذا تجمّع شَمله
فَالوَيل كُل الوَيل للشعراءِ