1. O my rose, your beauty has done you wrong
And the goodness of your nurture made you suffer
١. جنى عليك الحسنُ يا وردتي
وطيبُ ريَّاكِ فذقْتِ العذابْ
2. Had it not been for them, you’d not be plucked still fresh
Else, youth would not turn from you in the garden
٢. لولاهما لم تُقطفي غَضّةً
بل لا نطوى في الروض عنك الشباب
3. Had it not been for them, lovers had passed you by
Not looking,
٣. لو لاهما مرّ بكِ العاشقونْ
لا ينظرونْ
4. And perhaps dew would have ignored you
And birds flown by, not singing
٤. وربما أعرض عنكِ الندى
وجازكِ الطيرُ فما غرّدا
5. You were known for your excellence, and how excellent
Is one whom excellence has wronged, O my rose
٥. عُرفتِ بالفضلِ وكم فاضلٍ
جنى عليه الفضل يا وردتي
6. Your blooming garden, O my rose
Has grown from every lovely pair
٦. روضتُكِ الغنّاءُ يا وردتي
قد أَنبتتْ من كل زوْجٍ بهيجْ
7. The dawn breaths in its flowers
Laughing, pure colored, aromatic
٧. تنفّسَ الصبُّح بأزهارها
عن ضاحكِ اللَّون زكيّ الأَريجْ
8. Its lilies, anemones, and poppies
Are all permitted
٨. نَسرينُها ورندُها والأَقاحْ
كلٌّ مُباحْ
9. The morning breezes carry from it
Greetings to every youthful heart
٩. تَنقْلُ عنها نَسَماتُ الصَّبا
تحيةً لكلِّ قلبٍ صَبا
10. And people walked about its edges
And stopped at you, O my rose
١٠. وطوَّفَ الناسُ بأرجائها
فوقفوا عندكِ يا وردتي
11. By God, how true is its wisdom
Through it, the ignorant found guidance in his time
١١. لله ما أصدقها حكمةً
فاه بها المجهولُ في عهدهِ
12. The souls of people yearn for its days
Yet longing is but for its roses
١٢. تشتاق أيارَ نفوس الورى
وإنما الشوقُ إلى وردِهِ
13. It contains solace the troubled have deposited
The wisdom of the seeing for the blind
١٣. تعزيةٌ أودعَ فيها الضَّريْر
حُكْمَ البصيرْ
14. Was he not a star among his people
Shining to erase the darkness
١٤. ألم يكنْ في قومِه كوكباً
لاحَ ليمحو نورُه الغيهبا
15. Why then did they not value his superiority
That they even hurt you, O my rose
١٥. فما لهم آلَهُم فضُلهُ
حتى لقد آذَوْه يا وردتي
16. People judge the weak harshly
A secret from the secrets not realized
١٦. تحكُم النَّاس بمستضعفٍ
سرُّ من الأَسرار لا يُدركُ
17. O my rose, many a plain seems easy
Yet its way destroys those who take it
١٧. يا وردتي وربَّ سَهْلٍ بدا
طريقُه يُهلِك مَنْ يسلُكُ
18. Did they think you weak when you drew near
Easy to pick
١٨. هلْ حسبوا غضَك لمّا دنا
سهلَ الجنى
19. No! But the soul that weakens
Feigns ferocity though it knows not
١٩. كلاَّ بل النَّفسُ التي تَضْعُفُ
تصطنعُ البأْسَ فلا تعرفُ
20. And the secret in the people's tyranny is their fear
Of these thorns, O my rose
٢٠. والسرُّ في بطشِ الورى خوفُهمْ
مِنْ هذِهِ الأَشواكِ يا وردتي