1. I sheath the grief that makes you weep, O Kaaba of guidance,
Why such sorrow, O temple of virtue and dew?
١. أَغمدان ما يُبكيكَ يا كَعبةَ الهُدى
وَفيم الأَسى يا هَيكل الفَضلِ وَالنَدى
2. I'd pardon you, if left alone afflicted,
I sheath patience, you're not the only one aggrieved.
٢. عذرتُكَ لَو أَصبَحتَ وَحدَكَ مُبتلىً
أَغمدان صَبراً لَست بِالخَطب أَوحَدا
3. If Jabr has passed away, though destiny is unyielding,
It has prepared men for life and mobilized troops.
٣. لَئن ماتَ يا غَمدان جبرٌ فَشدَّما
أَعدَّ رِجالاً للحياةِ وَجنّدا
4. Why weep for Jabr when his troops surround you?
Find solace in those who passed near you and transgressed.
٤. أَتَبكي عَلى جَبر وَحَولك جنده
عَزاؤك فيمن راحَ حَولك وَاِغتَدى
5. Your spirit still inspires them,
Your shade remains eternal through the ages.
٥. لِبانيك روحٌ ما يَزال يمدُّهُم
وَظلُّك مَمدود عَلى الدَهرِ سرمدا
6. You who saw your pillars razed in the meadow,
Take seat in the gardens of Lebanon.
٦. وَيا مَن رَأى أَركانَكَ الشمَّ في الرُبى
تَبَوّأنَ مِن جَناتِ لبنان مقعدا
7. You leaned on the mother of languages and guarded her,
And were an impregnable fortress for her benefit.
٧. حنوتَ عَلى أُمِّ اللُغات فَصُنتَها
وَكُنتُ لَها الصرحَ المَنيعَ الممرَّدا
8. Jabr was a trustee and protector for her,
Whenever an aggressor plotted against her and overstepped.
٨. وَكانَ لَها جبرٌ أَميناً وَحامياً
إِذا ما بَغى الباغي عَلَيها أَو اِعتَدى
9. In Lebanon, citadels of knowledge were erected for science
So the hands of ignorance left no foundation among them.
٩. وَللعلم في لُبنان شيدت مَعاهِدٌ
فَلَم تبقِ أَيدي الجَهلِ مِنهن مَعهَدا
10. More ugly than their excuses, they claimed
The money spent on raising it is wasted.
١٠. وَأَقبحُ مِما قَد جَنَوهُ اِعتذارهم
فَقالوا يَضيعُ المالُ في رفعِها سُدى
11. They alleged it drains money excessively,
Did they leave any wealth there to be drained?
١١. وَقَد زَعموها تُنفِدُ المالَ كَثرةً
فَهَل ترَكوا مالاً هُناكَ فَينفدا
12. Lamps, if they extinguish them, are but
Flickers of ill omen that misguided many guided ones.
١٢. مَصابيحُ إِن هم أَطفَأوها فَإِنَّها
حَباحبُ شؤمٍ كَم أَضلّت مَن اِهتَدى
13. I only worry about the hour in which
We believed a foe, may God not bless the enmity.
١٣. وَما لَهفي إِلّا عَلى ساعَةٍ بِها
صدقنا العدا لا باركَ اللَهُ في العِدا
14. How many white hands they have with the Arabs!
Who has fire to protect the hands?
١٤. فَكَم مِن يَدٍ بَيضاءَ للعَرب عِندَهُم
وَمن لكَ بِالحَرّ الَّذي يَحفظ اليَدا
15. If they left Lebanon to grope in gloom,
I sheath patience, O Lebanon, you have not ceased to slumber.
١٥. لَئن خلّفوا لُبنان يخبط في الدُجى
فَغمدان يا لُبنان ما اِنفَكَّ فَرَقَدا
16. The way of loss, however long, meets loss,
However rugged, one finds it smooth.
١٦. طَريقُ الرَدى مَهما يَطل يَلقه الرَدى
قَصيراً وَإِن يَوعُر يَجِدهُ ممهدا
17. A young man's death when eighty years old,
Is like a young man's death in life's prime.
١٧. وَمَوت الفَتى تَحني الثمانون ظَهرَه
كَمَوت الفَتى في ميعةِ العُمر أَمرَدا
18. Your life, O man, has various forms,
Surrounded by various forms of loss.
١٨. حَياتك يا إِنسان شَتّى ضروبها
تَحيط بِها شَتى ضُروب مِن الرَدى
19. Only one who leaves people a lasting memory
Has conquered strong death.
١٩. وَما قَهَرَ المَوتَ القَويَّ سِوى امرئٍ
يَخلِّفُ بَينَ الناس ذكراً مخلّدا
20. Not one who passed away leaving a promise
In Palestine that saddened and gladdened a nation.
٢٠. يخلّف طيبَ الذكر لا كَالَّذي قَضى
وَخلّف وَعداً في فَلسطين أَنكَدا
21. God allowed it only to roam around bewildered.
But the best of people curbs their own harm
٢١. فَأَبكى بِهِ قَوماً وَأَضحك أُمة
أَبى اللَهُ إِلّا أَن تَهيمَ تَشَرُّدا
22. Or enriches life and brings happiness,
Like Jabr and Abdullah, their burial grounds are fragrant,
٢٢. وَلَكنَّ خَيرَ الناسِ مِن كَفَّ شَرَّه
عَن الناس أَو أَغنى الحَياةَ وَأَسعَدا
23. The fresh aroma and tender dew still emanate,
For the good we hope, both strove,
٢٣. كَجَبرٍ وَعبد اللَه طابَ ثَراهُما
وَلا زالَ فَوّاح الشَذى ريِّق النَدى
24. Through struggle, prosperity, absence and presence.
They passionately loved the Mudari tribe,
٢٤. عَلى خَير ما نَرجوه كانَ كِلاهُما
جِهاداً وَإِسعاداً وَغَيباً وَمَشهَدا
25. As if devoted to it eternally and renounced all else.
How much beauty they unveiled and renewed,
٢٥. وَهاما هياماً في هَوى مَضرية
كَما اِنقَطَعا دَهراً لَها وَتَجَرَّدا
26. How many wonders in that sorcery they renewed.
Its eloquence fascinated Jabr and inclined him
٢٦. فَكَم نَشَرا مِن ذَلِكَ الحُسن ما اِنطَوى
وَكَم آيةٍ في ذَلِكَ السحر جَدَّدا
27. To make it the garden's shade and stream.
When a language prevails, even if its people are oppressed,
٢٧. بَلاغَتها اِفتنّت بجبرٍ وَآثرت
فَصاحتها البُستانَ ظلاً وَموردا
28. Their independence is about to consolidate.
Jabr's hand in my eyes sparkles like the morning,
٢٨. إِذا لُغَةٌ عَزَّت وَلَو ضيم أَهلها
فَقَد أَوشَك اِستقلالهم أَن يَوطّدا
29. I thanked it little, reciting this elegy.
I found you in Beirut, haven of dew
٢٩. لجبرٍ يَدٌ عِندي تَأَلَّقُ كَالضُحى
وَقَلَّ لَها شكراً رثائيكَ مُنشِدا
30. And sublime literature, courtyard and forum.
People crowded around your kin,
٣٠. غَشيتك في دارٍ بِبَيروت لِلنَدى
وَلِلأَدب العالي فِناءً وَمُنتَدى
31. Worry showing between their faces.
You granted me a ray of your light,
٣١. وَحفَّ ذَويكَ البشرُ مِن كُلِ جانِبٍ
وَبَينَ أَسارير الوُجوه تَرَدَّدا
32. Raising my status, aiding and guiding me.
You were surely righteous, O righteous father,
٣٢. وَآنستَ بي مِن فَيض نورك لَمحةً
فَأَعليتَ مِن شَأني مَعيناً وَمرشدا
33. Who saw goodness in his son and tutored him.
Alas! I now mourn your blessings
٣٣. لَقَد كُنتَ بي بَرّاً فيا بِرَّ والدٍ
توسّمَ خَيراً في ابنه فَتَعَهّدا
34. While once I sang joyfully because of them.
I'm amazed by the determination that was
٣٤. وَيا حسرتا أَضحي بِنعماكَ نائِحاً
وَكُنتُ بِها مِن قبل حينٍ مغرِّدا
35. The pinnacle of your life, as if just beginning.
My language wanders distraught without Jabr
٣٥. عَجبتُ لَها مِن همةٍ كانَ مُنتَهى
حَياتك فيها حافِلاً مثلَ مبتدا
36. My homeland, echo his traces.
٣٦. فَيا لُغتي تيهي بجبرٍ عَلى اللُغى
وَيا وَطَني ردِّد بآثاره الصَدى