
Is it blasphemy that his memory is a return to me

هل كفر كنه مرجع لي ذكرها

1. Is it blasphemy that his memory is a return to me
Of what I missed of the prime of my youth?

١. هل كَفْرَ كَنَّه مُرجْعٌ لي ذكرُها
ما فاتني من عنفوانِ شبابي

2. Or in her youthfulness and her pomegranates
That which resurrects the buried from their graves?

٢. أمْ في صَباياها وفي رمّانِها
ما يبعثُ المدفونَ من آرابي

3. If memories were useful, I would have recalled one evening
Zahra among her dear companions

٣. لو تنفعُ الذكرى ذكرتُ عشِيَّةً
زهراءَ بيْن كواعبٍ أترابِ

4. Among them the captor of hearts with her beauty
And her flirtation and her enchanting talk

٤. فيهنّ آسرةُ القلوب بحسنها
ودلالِها وحديثِها الخلاّبِ

5. A soul lighter than a breeze and a thought
Like lightning combined with eloquent speech

٥. روحٌ أخفُّ من النَّسيم وخاطرٌ
كالبرقِ مقرونٌ بحسنِ جوابِ

6. The slopes of her cheeks intoxicated me and I bore witness that
Her sips were mixed with wine

٦. غرّ ثناياها وأشهد أَّنها
ممزوجةٌ رَشَفاتُها بشراب

7. We exchanged riddles between us that amused us
With mistakes that made us laugh and correct answers

٧. نلقي أحاجيَ بيننا فتثيرنا
للضّحكِ خاطئةٌ وذاتُ صواب

8. And we recited melodies between a heartrending song
That brought our tears, and agony

٨. ونردّد الأَلحانَ بينَ شجيَّةٍ
تُمري مدامعَنا وبيْن عِذابِ

9. We used to meet at an appointed time
Scolding her while taking her way

٩. ولقد نُعرّضُ باللِّقاء لموعدٍ
فيها ونُسْلكُها طريقَ عِتاب

10. We got up when the dew had fallen and the
Heavy, frowning clouds crept

١٠. قمنا وقد سقط الندى وتزاحفتْ
سُجُفُ الغمام ثقيلةَ الأَهدابِ

11. Hiding the beautiful moon then showing it
As she played with us from behind her veil

١١. تُخفي محيّا البدر ثمَّ تُبينه
عبثَ المليحة دوننا بنقاب

12. The hot winds dried her bedding
With the fluttering of passionate love

١٢. وجَفَتْ مضاجِعَها الجنوب وملؤها
خفقان مضطَرمِ الهوى وثّابِ

13. We stayed in joy and fear of parting
For lovers who facilitate causes

١٣. بتنا على صَفْوٍ وخوفِ تفرّقٍ
للعاشقين مُهيّئِ الأَسبابِ

14. April, your judgment of vows was easy
When wishes were shattered in August

١٤. نيسانُ هان علي حكُمك بالنَّوى
لما تحطّمت المنى في آب

15. Oh how I wish she who saddened my heart with vows
Had not left me a memory that prolonged my torment

١٥. يا ليتَ من فَجَعَتْ فؤادي بالنوى
لم تُبقِ لي ذكرى تُطيلُ عذابي