
The specters circled my companions as they slept

طاف الخيال بأصحابي وقد هجدوا

1. The specters circled my companions as they slept
From Umm 'Alwan, no direction or wall to lean on

١. طافَ الخَيالُ بِأَصحابي وَقَد هَجَدوا
مِن أُمِّ عَلوانَ لا نَحوٌ وَلا صَدَدُ

2. Disturbing some youths spending the night restless
And eyes touched by the darkness and sleeplessness

٢. فَأَرَّقَت فِتيَةً باتوا عَلى عَجَلٍ
وَأَعيُناً مَسَّها الإِدلاجُ وَالسُهُدُ

3. Will you take me to Abdallah Dawasirah
With a flask wherein aged wine ferments

٣. هَل تُبلِغَنِّيَ عَبدَ اللَهِ دَوسَرَةً
وَجناءُ فيها عَتيقُ النَيِّ مُلتَبِدُ

4. A she-camel accustomed to having the nose rope knotted
Meeting over her mouthpiece the knot

٤. عَنسٌ مُذَكَّرَةٌ قَد شُقَّ بازِلُها
لَأياً تَلاقى عَلى حَيزومِها العُقَدُ

5. As though it were the day the tribe parted from Julab
While we and the family in Al-Mawma'ah are expelled

٥. كَأَنَّها يَومَ خِمسِ القَومِ عَن جُلَبٍ
وَنَحنُ وَالآلُ بِالمَوماةِ نَطَّرِدُ

6. An old male repelled by 'Aad from his she-camels
The drivel on his muzzle foams

٦. قَرمٌ تَعاداهُ عادٍ عَن طُروقَتِهِ
مِنَ الهِجانِ عَلى خُرطومِهِ الزَبَدُ

7. Or an active dark-cheeked one whom the north wind has forced
To spend the night beneath it without nose rope

٧. أَو ناشِطٌ أَسفَعُ الخَدَّينِ أَلجَأَهُ
نَفحُ الشَمالِ فَأَمسى دونَهُ العَقَدُ

8. He spent the night in the warmth of carriers that were harmed
By the heat of Al-Naqa and its growth had been stripped

٨. باتَ إِلى دِفءِ أَرطاةٍ أَضَرَّ بِها
حُرُّ النَقا وَزَهاها مَنبِتٌ جَرَدُ

9. He spent the night, his side next to a resting place
That drew together its contents above and below

٩. باتَ البُروقُ جَنابَيهِ بِمَنزِلَةٍ
ضَمَّت حَشاهُ وَأَعلاهُ بِها صَرِدُ

10. He kept mounting his she-camel and young camel
Until the ground below them became drenched with blood

١٠. ما زالَ يَركُبُ رَوقَيهِ وَجَبهَتَهُ
حَتّى اِستَباثَ سَفاةً دونَها الثَأَدُ

11. Until when the birds chirped and the darkness of night
Receded from him while he was supported

١١. حَتّى إِذا نَطَقَ العُصفورُ وَاِنكَشَفَت
عَمايَةُ اللَيلِ عَنهُ وَهوَ مُعتَمِدُ

12. He set out in the morning, and a cheek challenges him
From the north and to his east liver-colored

١٢. غَدا وَمِن عالِجٍ خَدٌّ يُعارِضُهُ
عَنِ الشَمالِ وَعَن شَرقيِّهِ كَبِدُ

13. It ascends the cliff of Al-Wasm, adorned
By the colors of beautiful morning, twittering

١٣. يَعلو عِهاداً مِنَ الوَسمِيِّ زَيَّنَهُ
أَلوانُ ذي صَبَحٍ مُكّاءُهُ غَرِدُ

14. At every meadow with pasture between its forearms
Quaking for it, a mast having crossbeams

١٤. بِكُلِّ مَيثاءَ مِمراحٍ بِمَنبِتِها
مِنَ الذِراعَينِ رَجّافٌ لَهُ نَضَدُ

15. The non-gentle, non-cool wind kept applauding it
The two-year-old, neither docile nor cold

١٥. ظَلَّت تُصَفِّقُهُ ريحٌ تَدُرُّ لَها
ذاتُ العَثانينِ لا راحٌ وَلا بَرَدُ

16. It began penetrating the clouds of fog thereby
Crossing from one land to another, alone and fallen

١٦. أَصبَحَ يَجتابُ أَعرافَ الضَبابِ بِهِ
مُجتازَ أَرضٍ لِأُخرى فارِدٌ وَحَدُ

17. It plummets like the light of a shooting star whose fire
Emitting sparks in the night, igniting

١٧. يَهوي كَضَوءِ شِهابٍ خَبَّ قابِسُهُ
لَيلاً يُبادِرُ مِنهُ جِذوَةً تَقِدُ

18. Until when it descended upon Al-Wuhdan and was detached
From it chains of sands interlinked

١٨. حَتّى إِذا هَبَطَ الوُحدانَ وَاِنقَطَعَت
عَنهُ سَلاسِلَ رَملٍ بَينَها عُقَدُ

19. It met a band of destruction with its dogs
On the trail of prey, growing nothing for it to reap

١٩. صادَفَ أَطلَسَ مَشّاءً بِأَكلُبِهِ
إِثرَ الأَوابِدِ ما يَنمي لَهُ سَبَدُ

20. It captured a Suluqi she-camel who had spent the night
In a desolate wilderness, inside it an only kid

٢٠. أَشلى سُلوقِيَّةً باتَت وَباتَ بِها
بِوَحشِ إِصمِتَ في أَصلابِها أَوَدُ

21. It crept stealthily covering the ground thereby
Until she stood up and it harnessed her

٢١. يَدِبُّ مُستَخفِياً يَغشى الضِراءُ بِها
حَتّى اِستَقامَت وَأَعراها لَهُ الجَرَدُ

22. So it wandered when she avoided it with her side
While the like of it in her previous calves were many

٢٢. فَجالَ إِذ رُعنَهُ يَنأى بِجانِبِهِ
وَفي سَوالِفِها مِن مِثلِهِ قِدَدُ

23. Then they recoiled to protect it after it startled
So a proud large-horned stallion charged

٢٣. ثُمَّ اِرفَأَنَّ حِفاظاً بَعدَ نَفرَتِهِ
فَكَرَّ مُستَكبِرٌ ذو حَربَةٍ حَرِدُ

24. It warded them off as it bared its teeth
As a brother of a blind she-camel wards off the wolf

٢٤. فَذادَها وَهيَ مُحمَرٌّ نَواجِذُها
كَما يَذودُ أَخو العُمِّيَّةِ النَجِدُ

25. Until when its vanguards retreated from it
And death took seven of them in number

٢٥. حَتّى إِذا عَرَّدَت عَنهُ سَوابِقُها
وَعانَقَ المَوتَ مِنها سَبعَةٌ عَدَدُ

26. Among them a fallen one writhing atop its weapon
As the ostrich chicks writhe beneath the threshing sledge

٢٦. مِنها صَريعٌ وَضاغٍ فَوقَ حَربَتِهِ
كَما ضَغا تَحتَ حَدِّ العامِلِ الصُرَدُ

27. It turned to cleave the stagnant cold with its emergence
At Dhi Al-Niaj, and atop its mount a body

٢٧. وَلّى يَشُقُّ جِمادَ الفَردِ مُطَّلِعاً
بِذي النِعاجِ وَأَعلى رَوقِهِ جَسِدُ

28. Until the black of night donned its masks
Where the plain meets Fayhaan and Al-Jalad

٢٨. حَتّى أَجَنَّ سَوادُ اللَيلِ نُقبَتَهُ
حَيثُ اِلتَقى السَهلُ مِن فَيحانَ وَالجَلَدُ

29. It went just as it came or goes out as his going out
A she-camel who is generous to its rider, fulfilling

٢٩. راحَت كَما راحَ أَو تَغدو كَغَدوَتِهِ
عَنسٌ تَجودُ عَلَيها راكِبٌ أَفِدُ

30. Circling the clan of Abu Sufyan confidently
With the merit of a shining fulfiller of what he promises

٣٠. تَنتابُ آلَ أَبي سُفيانَ واثِقَةً
بِفَضلِ أَبلَجَ مُنجازٍ لِما يَعِدُ

31. Asked for, the tribes seeking his attainment
The elite of each tribe around him envoys

٣١. مُسَأَّلٌ يَبتَغي الأَقوامُ نائِلَهُ
مِن كُلِّ قَومٍ قَطينٌ حَولَهُ وُفُدُ

32. It came according to the habit of generosity it was accustomed to
From one whose affairs are controlled by God’s permission

٣٢. جاءَت لِعادَةِ فَضلٍ كانَ عَوَّدَها
مَن في يَدَيهِ بِإِذنِ اللَهِ مُنتَقَدُ

33. To a man whose likeness no female ever bore for him
Praise does not reach the utmost description of praising you

٣٣. إِلى اِمرِئٍ لَم تَلِد يَوماً لَهُ شَبَهاً
أُنثى لَهُ كَرَماً يَوماً وَلَن تَلِدُ

34. And none attained the like of what you attained
Goodness is not lost to people as long as you remain

٣٤. لا يَبلُغُ المَدحَ أَقصى وَصفِ مَدحِكُمُ
وَلَم يَنَل مِثلَ ما أَدرَكتُمُ أَحَدُ

35. Generosity and justice are lost if they are lost
Until it lodged before the best of creation together

٣٥. لا يَفقِدُ الناسُ خَيراً ما بَقيتَ لَنا
وَالجودُ وَالعَدلُ مَفقودانِ إِن فَقَدوا

36. Of the clan of Harb, ennobled by office
Umayyah became a protection for Islam

٣٦. حَتّى أُنيخَت لَدى خَيرِ الأَنامِ مَعاً
مِن آلِ حَربٍ نَماهُ مَنصِبٌ حَتِدُ

37. And for seizing it, leaders whose affair is integrity
It remains protected, tending to it being blinded

٣٧. أَمسَت أُمَيَّةُ لِلإِسلامِ حائِطَةً
وَلِلقَبيضِ رُعاةً أَمرُها الرَشَدُ

38. Shrouding time except when it becomes scattered

٣٨. يَظَلُّ في الشاءِ يَرعاها وَيَعمِتُها
وَيَكفِنُ الدَهرَ إِلّا رَيثَ يَهتَبِدُ