1. The frail, vein-riddled staff you see -
When people are destitute, it's a finger for them.
١. ضَعيفُ العَصا بادي العُروقِ تَرى لَهُ
عَلَيها إِذا ما أَجدَبَ الناسُ إِصبَعا
2. A herd of camels - if the wind blows once,
It leaves them and softens its voice until calmed.
٢. حِذا إِبِلٍ إِن تَتبَعِ الريحَ مَرَّةً
يَدَعها وَيُخفِ الصَوتَ حَتّى تَرَيَّعا
3. It has its own way until, when it takes up
Residence with its soft feet, it beds down.
٣. لَها أَمرُها حَتّى إِذا ما تَبَوَّأَت
بِأَخفافِها مَأوىً تَبَوَّأَ مَضجَعا
4. When it leaves toward the hills in the spring - instructed for it
Are guides and tenders who clothe each pregnant one.
٤. إِذا أَخلَفَت صَوبَ الرَبيعِ وَصى لَها
عَرادٌ وَحاذٌ أَلبَسا كُلَّ أَجرَعا
5. And a smooth-necked she-camel whose sides
Are calloused as if she were a dead hyena stripped of its hide.
٥. وَغَملى نَصِيٍّ بِالمِتانِ كَأَنَّها
ثَعالِبُ مَوتى جِلدُها قَد تَزَلَّعا
6. O Banu Wabish and allies - we've pitched by you
With no prior intent uniting us.
٦. بَني وابِشِيٍّ قَد هَوَينا جِوارَكُم
وَما جَمَعَتنا نِيَّةٌ قَبلَها مَعا
7. Two intermixed tribes who neighbored
Each other long ago, and were more harmonious when separated.
٧. خَليطَينِ مِن شَعبَينِ شَتّى تَجاوَرا
قَديماً وَكانا بِالتَفَرُّقِ أَمتَعا
8. I see the people of Layla - their emir doesn't care
About the state of the grieving one, though he shatters.
٨. أَرى أَهلَ لَيلى لا يُبالي أَميرُهُم
عَلى حالَةِ المَحزونِ أَن يَتَصَدَّعا
9. I say - and the camels are gone, yearned for
And longed for - and I didn't hope for that at all.
٩. أَقولُ وَقَد زالَ الحُمولُ صَبابَةً
وَشَوقاً وَلَم أَطمَع بِذَلِكَ مَطمَعا
10. So if today's right from you were a stay
And a departure has passed, then hurry!
١٠. فَلَو أَنَّ حَقُّ اليَومَ مِنكُم إِقامَةٌ
وَإِن كانَ سَرحٌ قَد مَضى فَتَسَرَّعا
11. I watched them until their camels disappeared
Among Anqa's sands, and the pregnant one kneeled down.
١١. فَأَبصَرتُهُم حَتّى تَوارَت حُمولُهُم
بِأَنقاءِ يَحمومٍ وَوَرَكنَ أَضرُعا
12. He drives them with the two guides as though
They were driving an obstinate tyrant with bleary eyes.
١٢. يَحُثُّ بِهِنَّ الحادِيانِ كَأَنَّما
يَحُثّانِ جَبّاراً بِعَينَينِ مُكرَعا
13. When the dust covered them, I met it
On the wilderness - streaming copiously with tears and muffled.
١٣. فَلَمّا صَراهُنَّ التُرابُ لَقيتُهُ
عَلى البيدِ أَذرى عَبرَةً وَتَقَنَّعا
14. Leave Hind and Minna alone! Minna is but
Heartache, does rebuke curb your infatuation at all?
١٤. فَدَع عَنكَ هِنداً وَالمِنى إِنَّما المُنى
وَلوعٌ وَهَل يَنهى لَكَ الزَجرُ مولَعا
15. It saw what it showed it the day of Darat Rafarif
To fell it one day - Hunayda mortally.
١٥. رَأى ما أَرَتهُ يَومَ دارَةِ رَفرَفٍ
لِتَصرَعَهُ يَوماً هُنَيدَةُ مَصرَعا
16. When will we one day spread out felicitously with a raid
In which they are like lame sheep, even weaker and more submissive?
١٦. مَتى نَفتَرِش يَوماً عُلَيماً بِغارَةٍ
يَكونوا كَعَوصٍ أَو أَذَلَّ وَأَضرَعا
17. By the clan of Julah we left in their abodes
Severed arms and heads strewn about.
١٧. وَحَيَّ الجُلاحِ قَد تَرَكنا بِدارِهِم
سَواعِدَ مُلقاةً وَهاماً مُصَرَّعا
18. And wedocked the nose of every dog yet left
No mention of Bahra among the people!
١٨. وَنَحنُ جَدَعنا أَنفَ كَلبٍ وَلَم نَدَع
لِبَهراءَ في ذِكرٍ مِنَ الناسِ مَسمَعا
19. We would kill - if killing could quell our hearts -
A thousand of Quda'a, and more.
١٩. قَتَلنا لَوَ اِنَّ القَتلَ يَشفي صُدورَنا
بِتَدمُرَ أَلفاً مِن قُضاعَةَ فَأَفرَعا
20. So do not sever the bond of the well-rope, Jarira,
By neglecting its bucket-pulling riffraff.
٢٠. فَلا تَصرِمي حَبلَ الدُهَيمِ جَريرَةً
بِتَركِ مَواليها الأَدانينَ ضُيَّعا
21. A shield-bearing lord drives it to pasture
Between valleys and lowlands, so it browses.
٢١. يُسَوِّقُها تَرعِيَّةٌ ذو عَباءَةٍ
بِما بَينَ نَقبٍ فَالحَبيسِ فَأَقرَعا
22. Judges, brothers of Wathib and Sa'ib's companion
See glory in meeting a wasteland where it browses.
٢٢. هِدانٌ أَخو وَطبٍ وَصاحِبُ عُلبَةٍ
يَرى المَجدَ أَن يَلقى خَلاءً وَأَمرُعا
23. You see his face grayed without a beard
Yet still plump beneath his turban, curled up.
٢٣. تَرى وَجهَهُ قَد شابَ في غَيرِ لِحيَةٍ
وَذا لُبَدٍ تَحتَ العِصابَةِ أَنزَعا
24. You see his heel was once two heels
And think he's lived concealed for years.
٢٤. تَرى كَعبَهُ قَد كانَ كَعبَينِ مَرَّةً
وَتَحسَبُهُ قَد عاشَ حَولاً مُكَنَّعا
25. When it sets out from an abode, those who sleep behind it
Are the dawn's tents - and none handsomer.
٢٥. إِذا سَرَحَت مِن مَنزِلٍ نامَ خَلفَها
بِمَيثاءَ مِبطانُ الضُحى غَيرَ أَروَعا
26. And if recalcitrant camels stir from it
With contemptuous swinging in their gait and contempt.
٢٦. وَإِن بَرَكَت مِنها عَجاساءُ جِلَّةٌ
بِمَحنِيَةٍ أَشلى العِفاسَ وَبَروَعا
27. When you spend the night between settlements, you whisper
And fall silent to any healer, however clever.
٢٧. إِذا بِتُّمُ بَينَ الأُدَيّاتِ لَيلَةً
وَأَخنَستُمُ مِن عالِجٍ كُلَّ أَجرَعا
28. A troop that camped in Kuhaylah's sands
And Baynuna that always meets fate squarely.
٢٨. عُمَيرِيَّةٌ حَلَّت بِرَملِ كُهَيلَةٍ
فَبَينونَةٍ تَلقى لَها الدَهرَ مَربَعا
29. As if I wasn't in Sibay'an's desert before Hind
Lamenting over the likes of Hind.
٢٩. كَأَنّي بِصَحراءِ السُبَيعَينِ لَم أَكُن
بِأَمثالِ هِندٍ قَبلَ هِندٍ مُفَجَّعا
30. As if over their humps whenever the sky's
Plumage of birds appeared, it alit.
٣٠. كَأَنَّ عَلى أَعجازِها كُلَّما رَأَت
سَماوَتَهُ فَيئاً مِنَ الطَيرِ وُقَّعا
31. So start the snorting steeds, and bring down upon
The wide-eyed the fragmented iron!
٣١. فَقودوا الجِيادِ المُسنِفاتِ وَأَحقِبوا
عَلى الأَرحَبِيّاتِ الحَديدَ المُقَطَّعا
32. When a hasty messenger won't suffice for it,
Send a Shu'ayb-colored leather strip slit into two.
٣٢. إِذا لَم تَرُح أَدّى إِلَيها مُعَجِّلٌ
شَعيبَ أَديمٍ ذا فِراغَينِ مُترَعا
33. He'll circle around with a coat of mail whose rings
Left no chinks or joints unlinked.
٣٣. يُطِفنَ بِجَونٍ ذي عَثانينَ لَم تَدَع
أَشاقيصُ فيهِ وَالبَدِيّانِ مَصنَعا
34. And a horseman who won't be deprived of his sword's share
When his spear, thrusting, splinters in a coat of mail.
٣٤. وَمِن فارِسٍ لَم يَحرِمِ السَيفَ حَظَّهُ
إِذا رُمحُهُ في الدارِعينَ تَجَزَّعا
35. So he cast Talhah's staff and sandals as though
They were the head of a lark with its crest held high.
٣٥. فَأَلقى عَصا طَلحٍ وَنَعلاً كَأَنَّها
جَناحُ السُمانى رَأسُهُ قَد تَصَوَّعا
36. I drove the cheek-pieced camel until it was as though
It had sunk into stagnant yellow water steeped in dye.
٣٦. أُسِفَّ جَسيدَ الحاذِ حَتّى كَأَنَّما
تَرَدّى صَبيغاً باتَ في الوَرسِ مُنقَعا[RIGHT][/P]