
With a dog's wail he calls his beloved

وداع بلحن الكلب يدعو ودونه

1. With a dog's wail he calls his beloved
From the dark night, its gloom and clouds

١. وَداعٍ بِلَحنِ الكَلبِ يَدعو وَدونَهُ
مِنَ اللَيلِ سِجفاً ظُلمَةٍ وَغُيومُها

2. He called hoping to wake one like Layla's son
When her stars withdrew into hiding

٢. دَعا وَهوَ يَرجو أَن يُنَبِّهَ إِذ دَعا
فَتىً كَاِبنِ لَيلى حينَ غارَت نُجومُها

3. I roused for him a storm, no gentle rain
That brings harm when its barren winds blow

٣. بَعَثتُ لَهُ دَهماءَ لَيسَت بِلَقحَةٍ
تَدُرُّ إِذا ما هَبَّ نَحساً عَقيمُها

4. As if in its chambers the impossible palace
Revealed virgins when its veil was lifted

٤. كَأَنَّ المَحالَ الغُرَّ في حَجَراتِها
عَذارى بَدَت لَمّا أُصيبَ حَميمُها

5. Angrily like the ostrich's kick it was stirred
With wooden stakes, its tent pegs gone

٥. غَضوباً كَحَيزومِ النَعامَةِ أُحمِشَت
بِأَجوازِ خُشبٍ زالَ عَنها هَشيمُها

6. Ready, with no shelter left around it
When the limping wet nurse lost her way

٦. مُحَضَّرَةٌ لا يُجعَلُ السِترُ دونَها
إِذا المُرضِعُ العَوجاءُ زالَ بَريمُها