1. From every coarse-bearded man with his chin matted,
Whose saddle worn, his camel lean, his water skin shredded,
١. مِن كُلِّ أَشمَطَ مَذبوحٍ بِلِحيَتِهِ
بادي الأَذاةِ عَلى مَركُوِّهِ الطَحِلِ
2. And stooping old man with ribs poking through his side,
His cloak worn out, steadying himself with a staff twisted like antlers,
٢. وَقَيِّمٍ أَمدَرِ الجَنبَينِ مُنخَرِقٍ
عَنهُ العَباءَةُ قَوّامٍ عَلى الهَمَلِ
3. Slaughtering the victims until he cannot be sated,
Missing his family-he spits incessantly from grief.
٣. ذَبَّ الغَوالِيَ حَتّى ما يُطِفنَ بِهِ
صابُ المَفارِقِ عَن ذي بَنَّةٍ تَفِلِ