
The evening was prolonged as we were at the hillsides

طال العشاء ونحن بالهضب

1. The evening was prolonged as we were at the hillsides
And I stayed up the night that brought me worries

١. طالَ العِشاءُ وَنَحنُ بِالهَضبِ
وَأَرِقتُ لَيلَةَ عادَني خَطبي

2. I loaded them and the luggage of a listless old she-camel
With the freedom of hands and the agility of a jump

٢. حَمَّلتُهُ وَقُتودَ مَيسٍ فاتِرٍ
سُرُحِ اليَدَينِ وَشيكَةِ الوَثبِ

3. It did not leave any honor of her saddle that would save
The elite from the grinding of persistent misfortunes

٣. لَم يُبقِ نَصّي مِن عَريكَتِها
شَرَفاً يُجِنُّ سَناسِنَ الصُلبِ

4. And companions who would give their blood to be drank
Without any qualms if that would lessen my sorrows

٤. وَمَعاشِرٍ وَدّوا لَوَ انَّ دَمي
يُسقَونَهُ مِن غَيرِ ما سَغبِ

5. I stuck my companions with your love binding them
And our hearts oozing with fright and panic

٥. أَلصَقتُ صَحبي مِن هَواكِ بِهِم
وَقُلوبُنا تَنزو مِنَ الرُهبِ

6. Sealing our friendships away from prying eyes
We bend aside for them the edges of the turbans

٦. مُتَخَتِّمينَ عَلى مَعارِفَنا
نَثني لَهُنَّ حَواشِيَ العَصبِ

7. And the traits so we are not provoked by
Every angry and wrathful slanderer

٧. وَعَلى الشَمائِلِ أَن يُهاجَ بِنا
جُربانُ كُلِّ مُهَنَّدٍ عَضبِ

8. You see the fear from their dwellings on
Our sides like the sides of a stray camel

٨. وَتَرى المَخافَةَ مِن مَساكِنِهِم
بِجُنوبِنا كَجَوانِبِ النُكبِ

9. And I have indeed journeyed to you from a distant land
With beautiful, humped she-camels heading to the shrine

٩. وَلَقَد مَطَوتُ إِلَيكَ مِن بَلَدٍ
نائي المَزارَ بِأَينُقٍ حُدبِ

10. Continuously travelling when the violent sandstorms
Slap the straying camels with strong wings

١٠. مُتَواتِراتٍ بِالإِكامِ إِذا
جَلَفَ العَزازَ جَوالِبُ النُكبِ

11. As if they were cats blown by the winds
With slaps of vast wings

١١. وَكَأَنَّهُنَّ قَطاً يُصَفِّقُهُ
خُرُقُ الرِياحِ بِنَفنَفٍ رَحبِ

12. Qatari she-camels with amongst them Mahri she-camels
From the side of an owner of tired she-camels

١٢. قَطَرِيَّةٌ وَخِلالُها مَهرِيَّةٌ
مِن عِندِ ذاتِ سَوالِفٍ غُلبِ

13. Arrogant she-camels that alarm with bells when
The guides gather the sides of the riding party

١٣. خوصٌ نَواهِزُ بِالسُدوسِ إِذا
ضَمَّ الحُداةُ جَوانِبَ الرَكبِ

14. Until I arrived at the son of their most generous man
In lineage, and they are like fulfilling a promise

١٤. حَتّى أُنِخنَ إِلى اِبنِ أَكرَمِهِم
حَسَباً وَهُنَّ كَمُنجِزِ النَحبِ

15. So he made hospitality by welcoming us
With a fresh sea, pleasant to drink from

١٥. فَوَضَعنَ أَزفَلَةً وَرَدنَ بِها
بَحراً خَسيفاً طَيِّبَ الشُربِ

16. And when the countries ignored us, I wished him well
And his actions were that of a companion

١٦. وَإِذا تَغَوَّلَتِ البِلادُ بِنا
مَنَّيتُهُ وَفِعالُهُ صَحبي

17. I am happy that among all of Quraysh, you
Are the glory of the idols and the object of hearts

١٧. أَسَعيدُ إِنَّكَ في قُرَيشٍ كُلِّها
شَرَفُ السَنامِ وَمَوضِعُ القَلبِ

18. Smooth handed, not disobedient or stubborn
Straightened after destitution and drought

١٨. مُتَحَلِّبُ الكَفَينِ غَيرُ عَصِيِّهِ
ضَيقٍ مَحَلَّتُهُ وَلا جَدبِ

19. Alas! Alas! The pleasures of Qatari she-camels
And oh! The soreness of persistent misfortunes

١٩. أَلأَوبُ أَوبُ نَعائِمٍ قَطَرِيَّةٍ
وَالأَلُّ أَلُّ نَحائِصٍ حُقبِ