1. Be greeted, O Muslim woman of the clan of Bakr
With the regards of one whose heart was seared by embers
١. أَلا يا اِسلَمي حُيِّيتِ أُختَ بَني بَكرِ
تَحِيَّةَ مَن صَلّى فُؤادَكِ بِالجَمرِ
2. By the sign of all the sorrow you have known
And the disgrace we made you suffer in your youth
٢. بِآيَةِ ما لاقَيتِ مِن كُلِّ حَسرَةٍ
وَما قَد أَذَقناكِ الهَوانَ عَلى صُغرِ
3. Whatever sincere affection you have seen
Whose ardour the resolute souls and steeds with us felt
٣. فَكائِن رَأَيتِ مِن حَميمٍ تَجُرُّهُ
صُدورُ العَوالي وَالجِيادُ بِنا تَجري
4. Whenever it was recalled with pride, boastfully
In the abode of the stringed instrument and the green eyes
٤. وَما ذِكرُهُ بِكرِيَّةً جُشَمِيَّةً
بِدارِ ذَوي الأَوتارِ وَالأَعيُنِ الخُزرِ
5. You shall drink only from a goblet, and you shall see
No plain water or milk in the drinking bowl, so rejoice
٥. فَلَن تَشرَبي إِلّا بِرَنقٍ وَلَن تَرَي
سَواماً وَحَيّاً بِالقُصَيبَةِ فَالبِشرِ
6. O Abā Mālik, do not recite poetry after this
And give the leadership to the two victorious commanders
٦. أَبا مالِكٍ لا تَنطُقِ الشِعرَ بَعدَها
وَأَعطِ القِيادَ القائِدينَ عَلى كَسرِ
7. The dead shall not be revived, nor the punishment removed
By the fanciful rhymes between your green fangs
٧. فَلَن يَنشُرَ المَوتى وَلَن يُذهِبَ الجِزى
هَوِيُّ القَوافي بَينَ أَنيابِكَ الخُضرِ
8. Had you been the noblest of the clan of Wā’il
The morning after the piercing, you would have crawled to the grave
٨. وَلَو كُنتَ في الحامينَ أَحسابَ وائِلٍ
غَداةَ الطِعانِ لَاِجتُرِرتَ إِلى القَبرِ
9. Were it not for fleeing every day at the attack
You would have been stained red by our pursuing brown swords
٩. وَلَولا الفِرارُ كُلَّ يَومِ وَقيعَةٍ
لَنالَتكَ زُرقٌ مِن مَطارِدِنا الحُمرِ
10. No tribe ever battled us
And we left them until you were pacified and plucked
١٠. وَما حارَبَتنا مِن مَعَدٍّ قَبيلَةٌ
فَنَترُكَها حَتّى تُقِرّوا عَلى وِترِ
11. You were like a dog whose kin the army killed
So it howled in their ruined and dusty abodes
١١. وَكُنتَ كَكَلبٍ قَتَّلَ الجَيشُ رَهطَهُ
فَأَصبَحَ يَعوي في دِيارِهِمُ الغُبرِ
12. With a battle in which its ravens cannot manage a mouthful
And the wolf in it becomes food for the eagles
١٢. بِمَلحَمَةٍ لا يَستَقِلُّ غُرابُها
دَفيفاً وَيُمسي الذِئبُ فيها مَعَ النِسرِ
13. While we left Tughlib, daughter of Wā’il
Like one whose fangs are broken and back is severed
١٣. وَنَحنُ تَرَكنا تَغلِبَ اِبنَةَ وائِلٍ
كَمُنكَسِرِ الأَنيابِ مُنقَطِعِ الظَهرِ
14. And they became like the one whose two palms
Were content with a single split reed out of ten
١٤. وَكانوا كَذي كَفَّينِ أَصبَحَ راضِياً
بِواحِدَةٍ شَلّاءَ مِن قَصَبٍ عَشرِ
15. Did ‘Amr not come, while the expanses were his
The killing-places of the lords of Iraq and the tigers
١٥. أَلَم يَأتِ عَمرواً وَالمَفاوِزُ دونَهُ
مَصارِعُ ساداتِ الأَراقِطِ وَالنَمرِ
16. Whose spears circle them every day
With war having neither supporter nor reinforcements
١٦. تَدورُ رَحانا كُلَّ يَومٍ عَلَيهِمُ
بِواقِدِ حَربٍ لا عَوانٍ وَلا بِكرِ
17. And we, it was we who killed Wā’il for you in vengeance
And we, it was we who lamented ‘Amr with our swords
١٧. وَنَحنُ قَتَلنا مِن جَلالِكَ وائِلاً
وَنَحنُ بَكَينا بِالسُيوفِ عَلى عَمروِ