
I marveled at the bleary-eyed and the wind was a comfort

عجبت من السارين والريح قرة

1. I marveled at the bleary-eyed and the wind was a comfort
To the light of a fire between scattered embers and millstones

١. عَجِبتُ مِنَ السارينَ وَالريحُ قَرَّةٌ
إِلى ضَوءِ نارٍ بَينَ فَردَةَ وَالرَحى

2. To the light of a fire where its people warmed the old meat
And guests may be honored while the old meat is warmed

٢. إِلى ضَوءِ نارٍ يَشتَوي القِدَّ أَهلُها
وَقَد يُكرَمُ الأَضيافُ وَالقِدُّ يُشتَوى

3. So when we came we complained to them
Both the living and the dead wept for what made them weep

٣. فَلَمّا أَتَونا فَاِشتَكَينا إِلَيهِمُ
بَكَوا وَكِلا الحَيَّينِ مِمّا بِهِ بَكى

4. A needy one wept from being blamed and a visitor
Tightened from hunger his waistband over his waist

٤. بَكى مُعوِزٌ مِن أَن يُلامَ وَطارِقٌ
يَشُدُّ مِنَ الجوعِ الإِزارَ عَلى الحَشا

5. So I glanced, would I see a plump girl
And I resigned myself to fines and ransom

٥. فَأَلطَفتُ عَيني هَل أَرى مِن سَمينَةٍ
وَوَطَّنتُ نَفسي لِلغَرامَةِ وَالقِرى

6. Then I saw her, a heap with protruding ribcage
Agitated, one of those who enjoyed pillows

٦. فَأَبصَرتُها كَوماءَ ذاتَ عَريكَةٍ
هِجاناً مِنَ اللاتي تَمَتَّعنَ بِالصُوى

7. So I gestured discreetly to Habtar
By God, Habtar's eyes, what a gallant man

٧. فَأَومَأتُ إيماءً خَفِيّاً لِحَبتَرٍ
وَلِلَّهِ عَينا حَبتَرٍ أَيُّما فَتى

8. And I said to him, attach yourself to her brittle shin
For if the shackles are forced, women do not object

٨. وَقُلتُ لَهُ أَلصِق بِأَيبَسِ ساقِها
فَإِن يَجبُرِ العُرقوبُ لا يَرقَإِ النَسا

9. So I admired Habtar that Habtar
Went without being struck and his knife unsheathed

٩. فَأَعجَبَني مِن حَبتَرٍ أَنَّ حَبتَراً
مَضى غَيرَ مَنكوبٍ وَمُنصُلَهُ اِنتَضى

10. As if after satiating them on her hump
I uncovered a veil from my heart so it shone

١٠. كَأَنّي وَقَد أَشبَعتُهُم مِن سَنامِها
جَلَوتُ غِطاءً عَن فُؤادِيَ فَاِنجَلى

11. So we passed the night while our pot had unsteadiness
For us before what was in it was roasted and drained

١١. فَبِتنا وَباتَت قِدرُنا ذاتَ هِزَّةٍ
لَنا قَبلَ ما فيها شِواءٌ وَمُصطَلى

12. And in the morning our shepherd was with us
With sixty she-camels whose udders sagged

١٢. وَأَصبَحَ راعينا بُرَيمَةُ عِندَنا
بِسِتّينَ أَنقَتها الأَخِلَّةُ وَالخَلا

13. So I said to the master of the camels, take them in pairs
And a camel for us like your camels in life

١٣. فَقُلتُ لِرَبِّ النابِ خُذها ثَنِيَّةً
وَنابٌ عَلَينا مِثلُ نابِكَ في الحَيا

14. It bears for a group of them from behind them
So all of them by evening came to its light

١٤. يُشَبُّ لِرَكبٍ مِنهُمُ مِن وَرائِهِم
فَكُلُّهُمُ أَمسى إِلى ضَوئها سَرى