
Did you not know what the graceful sandgrouse said

ألم تدر ما قال الظباء السوانح

1. Did you not know what the graceful sandgrouse said
As they passed by the caravan, while it was departing?

١. أَلَم تَدرِ ما قالَ الظِباءُ السَوانِحُ
مَرَرنَ أَمامَ الرَكبِ وَالرَكبُ رائِحُ

2. So he who did not forbid the birds praised them
And my heart was sure they were melancholic

٢. فَسَبَّحَ مَن لَم يَزجُرِ الطَيرَ مِنهُمُ
وَأَيقَنَ قَلبي أَنَّهُنَّ نَواجِحُ

3. The first of the birds that passed was a blessing for us
And a night's stay by an agreeable playmate

٣. فَأَوَّلُ مَن مَرَّت بِهِ الطَيرُ نِعمَةٌ
لَنا وَمَبيتٌ عِندَ لَهوَةَ صالِحُ

4. Your gaze with languid eyes followed them
Disheveled, radiant, clearly colored

٤. سَبَتكَ بِعَينَي جُؤذَرٍ حَفَلَتهُما
رِعاثٌ وَبَرّاقٌ مِنَ اللَونِ واضِحُ

5. And a black curl on a spindle's forehead
Called by desire, more rosy than a scattering pomegranate

٥. وَأَسوَدَ مَيّالٍ عَلى جيدِ مُغزِلٍ
دَعاها طَلىً أَحوى بِرَمّانَ راشِحُ

6. And the pleasure of wine heals heartache after gloom
With what flows from its shaded veins

٦. وَعَذبُ الكَرى يَشفي الصَدى بَعدَ هَجعَةٍ
لَهُ مِن عُروقِ المُستَظِلَّةِ مائِحُ

7. Its food and the dust of the earth above its surface
Is a crawling vine and palms waving freely

٧. غَذاهُ وَحَولِيُّ الثَرى فَوقَ مَتنِهِ
مَدَبُّ الأَتِيِّ وَالأَراكِ الدَوائِحُ

8. So when the torrents receded, a canal appeared to it
Dug by an autumn rain, its banks collapsed

٨. فَلَمّا اِنجَلى عَنهُ السُيولُ بَدا لَها
سَقِيُّ خَريفٍ شُقَّ عَنهُ الأَباطِحُ

9. When you taste its mouth, you'd say it has the taste of wine
The spout came close until it mixed with it, overflowing

٩. إِذا ذُقتَ فاها قُلتَ طَعمَ مُدامَةٍ
دَنا الزِقُّ حَتّى مَجَّها وَهوَ جانِحُ

10. And in ivory and henna are hands whose fingers
Are like gazelle fat untouched by the adorning bracelet

١٠. وَفي العاجِ وَالحِنّاءِ كَفٌّ بَنانُها
كَشَحمِ النَقا لَم يُعطِها الزَندَ قادِحُ

11. So how would the youth be after old age and after
You were extolled and praised by every praiser?

١١. فَكَيفَ الصِبى بَعدَ المَشيبِ وَبَعدَما
تَمَدَّحتَ وَاِستَعلى بِمَدحِكَ مادِحُ

12. And I was annoyed that the jealous one wanted me
While my regrets were the grumbling elders

١٢. وَقَد رابَني أَنَّ الغَيورَ يَوَدُّني
وَأَنَّ نَدامايَ الكُهولُ الجَحاجِحُ

13. The owners of calumny turned away from me though I see
My words arousing the passionate women

١٣. وَصَدَّ ذَواتُ الضِغنِ عَنّي وَقَد أَرى
كَلامِيَ تَهواهُ النِساءُ الجَوامِحُ

14. And the playful teasing of the slender-waisted is a delight
I sought, and the youths within me are impetuous

١٤. وَهِزَّةَ أَظعانٍ عَلَيهِنَّ بَهجَةٌ
طَلَبتُ وَرَيعانُ الصِبى فِيَّ جامِحُ

15. With white lower parts as if their burdens are
The palm trees of the villages and the waving grasses

١٥. بِأَسفَلِ ذي بيضٍ كَأَنَّ حُمولَها
نَخيلُ القُرى وَالأَثأَبُ المُتَناوِحُ

16. So obscure letters were composed for us
To fulfill our need with laxity and freedom

١٦. فَعُجنَ عَلَينا مِن عَلاجيمَ جِلَّةٍ
لِحاجَتِنا مِنها رَتوكٌ وَفاسِحُ

17. Telling us of hidden passions, and above them
Are the shades of rooms, and the mounted scout wandering

١٧. يُحَدِّثنَنا بِالمُضمَراتِ وَفَوقَها
ظِلالُ الخُدورِ وَالمَطِيُّ جَوانِحُ

18. Whispering to us with a wink without our talk
And fulfilling wishes while they are flirting

١٨. يُناجينَنا بِالطَرفِ دونَ حَديثِنا
وَيَقضينَ حاجاتٍ وَهُنَّ مَوازِحُ

19. And there reached us from them a gentle fragrance
Of musk whose scent leads to the beloved strongly scenting

١٩. وَخالَطَنا مِنهُنَّ ريحُ لَطيمَةٍ
مِنَ المِسكِ أَدّاها إِلى الحَيِّ رابِحُ

20. They prayed the night prayer and sprinkled it
On their cotton robes, good admonishers

٢٠. صَلَينَ بِها ذاتَ العِشاءِ وَرَشَّها
عَلَيهِنَّ في الكَتّانِ رَيطٌ نَصائِحُ

21. So we spent the night on the carpets while the white
Illuminated for us their shining lamps

٢١. فَبِتنا عَلى الأَنماطِ وَالبيضُ كَالدُمى
تُضيءُ لَنا لَبّاتِهِنَّ المَصابِحُ

22. When they captivated us in conversation, hearts
Swayed to them beyond the passionate souls

٢٢. إِذا فاطَنَتنا في الحَديثِ تَهَزهَزَت
إِلَيها قُلوبٌ دونَهُنَّ الجَوانِحُ

23. While the jealous one just before was biting his fingers
Like a lion biting on an axe handle raging

٢٣. وَظَلَّ الغَيورُ آنِفاً بِبَنانِهِ
كَما عَضَّ بِرذَونٌ عَلى الفَأسِ جامِحُ

24. Gloomily returning the two cubs to their mother
While he was gored by us and by them charging

٢٤. كَئيباً يَرُدُّ اللَهفَتَينِ لِأُمِّهِ
وَقَد مَسَّهُ مِنّا وَمِنهُنَّ ناطِحُ

25. So when we parted, they bid us farewell in tears
And provisioned us while they were sincerest

٢٥. فَلَمّا تَفَرَّقنا شَجينَ بِعَبرَةٍ
وَزَوَّدنَنا نُصباً وَهُنَّ صَحائِحُ

26. So my companions raised the mounts, and with moaning they left
Yearningly, while the eyes were most ardent

٢٦. فَرَفَّعَ أَصحابي المَطِيَّ وَأَبَّنوا
هُنَيدَةَ فَاِشتاقَ العُيونُ اللَوامِحُ

27. Woe to their mother from disgrace, if she were to change
And make peace with those we make war!

٢٧. فَوَيلُ اِمِّها مِن خُلَّةٍ لَو تَنَكَّرَت
لِأَعدائِنا أَو صالَحَت مَن نُصالِحُ

28. And a blond from a pomegranate shop has become
My morning draught, though the East did not see dawn break

٢٨. وَصَهباءَ مِن حانوتِ رَمّانَ قَد غَدا
عَلَيَّ وَلَم يَنظُر بِها الشَرقَ صابِحُ

29. So I served her freely as if her companion were
A brother of time, while some servers were wasteful

٢٩. فَساقَيتُها سَمحاً كَأَنَّ نَديمَهُ
أَخا الدَهرِ إِذ بَعضَ المُساقينَ فاضِحُ

30. So today a filled goblet missed me
And roast meat and reeds were cheap

٣٠. فَقَصَّرَ عَنّي اليَومَ كَأسٌ رَوِيَّةٌ
وَرَخصُ الشِواءِ وَالقِيانُ الصَوادِحُ

31. If we stay up through the night drinking wine
Accompanied by the dark in which lamps are shining

٣١. إِذا نَحنُ أَنزَفنا الخَوابِيَ عَلَّنا
مَعَ اللَيلِ مَلثومٌ بِهِ القارُ ناتِحُ

32. From dawn until evening we greet
And clasp each other's hands affectionately

٣٢. لَدُن غُدوَةً حَتّى نَروحَ عَشِيَّةً
نُحَيّا وَأَيدينا بِأَيدٍ نُصافِحُ

33. When we come out to the open, our feet
Sink in the sand while it is soft and flowing

٣٣. إِذا ما بَرَزنا لِلفَضاءِ تَقَحَّمَت
بِأَقدامِنا مِنّا المِتانُ الصَرادِحُ

34. And an old shelter where most of its people
Are rambling and confused, late into the night wandering

٣٤. وَداوِيَّةٍ غَبراءَ أَكثَرُ أَهلِها
عَزيفٌ وَهامٌ آخِرُ اللَيلِ ضابِحُ

35. My brave heart settled there at the first sign
And a drawn hardened sword whose sheath is clashing

٣٥. أَقَرَّ بِها جَأشي بِأَوَّلِ آيَةٍ
وَماضٍ حُسامٍ غِمدُهُ مُتَطايِحُ

36. A Yemeni whose color is like salt, his back quivers
When stirred, stamped on poison, wounding

٣٦. يَمانٍ كَلَونِ المِلحِ يُرعَدُ مَتنُهُ
إِذا هُزَّ مَطبوعٌ عَلى السَمِّ جارِحُ

37. It removes the daughters of resolve from their dwellings
And whatever part of an arm it meets is crushed

٣٧. يُزيلُ بَناتِ الهامِ عَن سَكَناتِها
وَما يَلقَهُ مِن ساعِدٍ فَهوَ طائِحُ

38. As if the ruins above its column were
Locusts above a palm tree while it is rising

٣٨. كَأَنَّ بَقايا الأُثرِ فَوقَ عَمودِهِ
مَدَبُّ الدَبا فَوقَ النَقا وَهوَ سارِحُ

39. And a sickly dark night whose star
The fog obscured, so it is consulting

٣٩. وَطَخياءَ مِن لَيلِ التِمامِ مَريضَةٍ
أَجَنَّ العَماءُ نَجمَها فَهوَ ماصِحُ

40. I imposed myself on her when she accustomed to my company
With vague waters and the stream is receding

٤٠. تَعَسَّفتُها لَمّا تَلاوَمَ صُحبَتي
بِمُشتَبِهِ المَوماةِ وَالماءُ نازِحُ

41. And a valley that became green and its water yellowed
From the turbidity of heavy rain in which waves collide

٤١. وَعِدٍّ خَلا فَاِخضَرَّ وَاِصفَرَّ ماؤُهُ
لِكُدرِ القَطا وِردٌ بِهِ مُتَطاوِحُ

42. I set out with it across a barren desert whose shade
Shunned the interior except when the winds blow at it

٤٢. نَشَحتُ بِها عَنساً تَجافى أَظَلُّها
عَنِ الأُكمِ إِلّا ما وَقَتها السَرائِحُ

43. So it crossed a expanse in which sins that spilled
Over ridges from the widest type, lamenting

٤٣. فَسافَت جَباً فيهِ ذُنوبٌ هَراقَهُ
عَلى قُلُصٍ مِن ضَربِ أَرحَبَ ناشِحُ

44. Leakings that distribute water in its chambers
As tide distributes what the surging tides moved

٤٤. تَريكٍ يَنِشُّ الماءَ في حَجَراتِهِ
كَما نَشَّ جَزرٌ خَضخَضَتهُ المَجادِحُ

45. Like the wind of Khuzama that an evening
North wind stirred with continuous heavy downpours

٤٥. كَريحِ خُزامى حَرَّكَتها عَشِيَّةً
شَمالٌ وَبَلَّتها القِطارُ النَواضِحُ

46. So the blond forelocks appeared and the landmarks
And the racing steed became visible to them

٤٦. فَأَصبَحَتِ الصُهبُ العِتاقُ وَقَد بَدا
لَهُنَّ المَنارُ وَالجَوادُ اللَوائِحُ