
Indeed we found the stallion to be the best remnant,

إنا وجدنا العيس خيرا بقية

1. Indeed we found the stallion to be the best remnant,
Of the highlands, with tails when they bristle,

١. إِنّا وَجَدنا العيسَ خَيراً بَقِيَّةً
مِنَ القُفعِ أَذناباً إِذا ما اِقشَعَرَّتِ

2. They attain mountains which their mountains did not attain,
And a loud-neighing one when the sun scatters about,

٢. تَنالُ جِبالاً لَم تُنِلها جِبالُها
وَدَوِّيَّةً ظَمأى إِذا الشَمسُ ذَرَّتِ

3. Stallions at nighttime conclusion being held back,
When they hear the voices of jinn then they bolt,

٣. مَهاريسُ في لَيلِ التِمامِ نَهَتهُ
إِذا سَمِعَت أَصواتَها الجِنُّ فَرَّتِ

4. When after mating their breasts are darkened,
With dew their dust carried and their blossoms flourished.

٤. إِذا اِكتَحَلَت بَعدَ اللِقاحِ نُحورُها
بِنَسأٍ حَمَت أَغبارُها وَاِزمَهَرَّتِ