
O you who out of ignorance threatens me with your many,

يا من توعدني جهلا بكثرته

1. O you who out of ignorance threatens me with your many,
When will you intimidate me with glory and numbers?

١. يا مَن تَوَعَّدَني جَهلاً بِكَثرَتِهِ
مَتى تَهَدَّدَني بِالعِزِّ وَالعَدَدِ

2. Use your full strength, for no clamor of the rabble
Will make me swerve when I am determined.

٢. فَاِقدِر بِذَرعِكَ إِنّي لَن يُقَوِّمَني
قَولُ الضِجاجِ إِذا ما كُنتُ ذا أَوَدِ

3. Do not think me unknown in any hiding place,
For I am the full moon, not hidden from anyone.

٣. لا تَحسِبَنِّيَ مَجهولاً بِمَخبَأَةٍ
إِنّي أَنا البَدرُ لا أَخفى عَلى أَحَدِ

4. If you convey my honor from its protection,
Then convey it purely with whatever numbers you have gathered.

٤. إِن كُنتَ ناقِلَ عِزّي عَن مَباءَتِهِ
فَاِنقُل أَباناً بِما جَمَّعتَ مِن عَدَدِ

5. And Al-Hadab is the mound of my worst enemies. If you pass by it
Then let it look toward Ohod.

٥. وَالهَضبَ هَضبَ شَرَورى إِن مَرَرتَ بِهِ
وَرَحرَحانِ فَأَطلِعهُ إِلى أُحُدِ

6. I have found you, when the springs were cut off,
To be one who holds back from roses.

٦. إِنّي وَجَدتُكَ وَرّاداً إِذا اِنقَطَعَت
عُميُ المَوارِدَ صَدّاراً عَنِ الوُرُدِ

7. You are a man who has attacked my honor and glory
Like the glory of a caravan that grazes around a lion.

٧. أَنتَ اِمرُؤٌ نالَ مِن عِرضي وَعِزَّتُهُ
كَعِزَّةِ العَيرِ يَرعى تَلعَةَ الأَسَدِ

8. She came to him from the villages of Baisan carrying him,
Her camel-litters green and her shoulder-bones weary.

٨. جاءَت بِهِ مِن قُرى بَيسانَ تَحمِلُهُ
سَوئى مُخَضَّرَةُ الآباطِ وَالكَتَدِ

9. If you were from someone who could be insulted, I would insult you,
O son of Raqaa’, but you are from no one.

٩. لَو كُنتَ مِن أَحَدٍ يُهجى هَجَوتُكُمُ
يا اِبنَ الرِقاعِ وَلَكِن لَستَ مِن أَحَدِ

10. The tribe of Kuda’a refuses to recognize for you ancestry,
And the son of Nizār, so you are a stray goat.

١٠. تَأبى قُضاعَةُ أَن تَعرِف لَكُم نَسَباً
وَاِبنا نِزارٍ فَأَنتُم بَيضَةُ البَلَدِ

11. When the pale faced mix with those of good ancestry,
They drive back the birthing down upon the barren she-camel.

١١. بيضُ الوُجوهِ مَطاعيمٌ إِذا يَسَروا
رَدّوا المَخاضَ عَلى المَقرومَةِ العُنُدِ

12. By the fire whose dove has perished,
Which became clear in Juddah of the town.

١٢. وَمَوقِدِ النارِ قَد بادَت حَمامَتُهُ
ما إِن تَبَيَّنَهُ في جُدَّةِ البَلَدِ

13. It had decayed beams with its windows fallen in,
Lowering into a pit amidst the debris.

١٣. كانَت بِها خُرُفاً وافٍ سَنابِكُها
فَطَأطَأَت بُؤرَةً في رَهوَةً جَدَدِ