
What ruins did you mention that my sword laid waste,

ماذا ذكرتم من قلوص عقرتها

1. What ruins did you mention that my sword laid waste,
With winter's guests as witnesses against them?

١. ماذا ذَكَرتُم مِن قُلوصٍ عَقَرتُها
بِسَيفي وَضَيفانُ الشِتاءِ شُهودُها

2. They knew I was loyal to their Lord,
So one tribe moved on and drove another before it.

٢. فَقَد عَلِموا أَنّي وَفَيتُ لِرَبِّها
فَراحَ عَلى عَنسٍ بِأُخرى يَقودُها

3. I know that cur who prowls about seeking camps
While your mother crawls abjectly to us.

٣. قَرَيتُ الكِلابِيَّ الَّذي يَبتَغي القِرى
وَأُمَّكَ إِذ تَخدي إِلَينا قَعودُها

4. We built a fire for her that bored through the camps
And a guest-blaze that was kept burning long.

٤. رَفَعنا لَها ناراً تُثَقَّبُ لِلقِرى
وَلِقحَةَ أَضيافٍ طَويلاً رُكودُها

5. When the dry branches of the wasting-stick were emptied out
Its sides collapsed until the joints stuck out.

٥. إِذا أُخلِيَت عودَ الهَشيمَةِ أَرزَمَت
جَوانِبُها حَتّى نَبيتَ نَذودُها

6. When it was set up for the raiders they thought it
An ostrich of confederates with a short neck.

٦. إِذا نُصِبَت لِلطارِقينَ حَسَبتَها
نَعامَةَ حَزباءٍ تَقاصَرَ جيدُها

7. They passed the night while the horses pawed the ground
In its stalls, the water and iron of their sires forgotten.

٧. تَبيتُ المَحالُ الغُرُّ في حَجَراتِها
شَكارى مَراها ماؤُها وَحَديدُها

8. We sent two scouts who tried
To make them come down, but still their forelocks tossed.

٨. بَعَثنا إِلَيها المُنزِلَينِ فَحاوَلا
لِكَي يُنزِلاها وَهيَ حامٍ حُيودُها

9. They spent the night counting the stars perplexed
While their grub was snatched by grasping hands.

٩. فَباتَت تَعُدُّ النَجمَ في مُستَحيرَةٍ
سَريعٍ بِأَيدي الآكِلينَ جُمودُها

10. When we watered them from the leather bucket they filled up;
Their nostrils expanded and the veins of their forelocks pulsed.

١٠. فَلَمّا سَقَيناها العَكيسَ تَمَلَّأَت
مَذاخِرُها وَاِزدادَ رَشحاً وَريدُها

11. When they had their fill of the water they wanted something from us
We did not want.

١١. فَلَمّا قَضَت مِن ذي الإِناءِ لُبانَةً
أَرادَت إِلَينا حاجَةً لا نُريدُها

12. When we realized it was the mother of a pig
Her trusted ones banned her and she lost her defender.

١٢. فَلَمّا عَرَفنا أَنَّها أُمُّ خَنزَرٍ
جَفاها مَواليها وَغابَ مُفيدُها

13. Whenever we are wronged in an easy matter, their cheeks
Become like foxes' jowls.

١٣. إِذا ما اِعتَرانا الحَقُّ بِالسَهلِ أَصبَحَت
لَها مِثلِ أَسرابِ الضِباعِ خُدودُها

14. They pass the night while their legs are fire-sticks for their brands
Their staves brands, till walking wearies them.

١٤. تَبيتُ وَرِجلاها أَوانانِ لِاِستِها
عَصاها اِستُها حَتّى يَكِلَّ قَعودُها

15. Pocked of nostril, hollow of staff,
Scowling of face, their homes fixed on the gravel,

١٥. مُجَسَّمَةُ العِرنينِ مَنقوبَةُ العَصا
عَدوسُ السُرى باقٍ عَلى الخَسفِ عودُها

16. They came to us while the dusk was uncertain,
Locusts of winter whose fuel had run out.

١٦. فَجاءَت إِلَينا وَالدُجى مُرجَحِنَّةٌ
رَغوثُ شِتاءٍ قَد تَقَوَّبَ عودُها

17. The desert of their claws stretches away behind them
While the blaze of our fire shines wherever its fuel is damp.

١٧. تَؤُمُّ وَصَحراءُ المَشافِرِ دونَها
سَنا نارِنا أَنّى يُشَبُّ وَقودُها

18. I spent a day in their company then their bad luck passed
And good fortune returned to them.

١٨. ظَلِلتُ بِيَومٍ عِندَهُنَّ تَغَيَّبَت
نُحوسُ جَواريهِ وَمَرَّت سُعودُها

19. For that day has no match but we see
That this world lasts only a little while.

١٩. فَلا يَومُ دُنيا مِثلُهُ غَيرَ أَنَّنا
نَرى هَذِهِ الدُنيا قَليلاً خُلودُها

20. He takes the emptiness for granted as though he were
Anointed with the ends of the houses and their corner posts.

٢٠. فَأَصبَحَ يَستافُ الفَلاةَ كَأَنَّهُ
مُشَرّىً بِأَطرافِ البُيوتِ قَديدُها