
O dweller of the abodes, abode of Umm Bashir

حي الديار ديار أم بشير

1. O dweller of the abodes, abode of Umm Bashir
The children of Ya'tayn by the coast of al-Tasreer

١. حَيِّ الدِيارَ دِيارَ أُمِّ بَشيرِ
بِنُوَيعَتَينَ فَشاطِئِ التَسريرِ

2. It was played with by the quality of ostrich after
Its visitors were from north and south

٢. لَعِبَت بِها صِفَةُ النَعامَةِ بَعدَما
زُوّارُها مِن شَمأَلٍ وَدَبورِ

3. And I am the one whose workshops of Ma'rib heard
And the villages of the suns and their people my singing

٣. وَأَنا الَّذي سَمِعَت مَصانِعُ مَأرِبٍ
وَقُرى الشُموسِ وَأَهلُهُنَّ هَديري

4. And I will leave a mark with your eyebrows
Settled on hair that plaited a weaver

٤. وَلَأَترُكَنَّ بِحاجِبَيكَ عَلامَةً
ثَبَتَت عَلى شَعرٍ أَلَفَّ أَصيرِ

5. And a rebels' fort, and extinguished was its fire
Before the crescent in Dimas of Jayjour

٥. وَمُرِدَّةٍ وَطفاءَ وافَقَ نَوءُها
قَبلَ الهِلالِ بِديمَةٍ دَيجورِ

6. A depression flows through it as if its abyss
Is the melody of veiled throats, Khor

٦. تَسري بِها خُلُجٌ كَأَنَّ هُوِيَّها
تَحنانُ مُقنِعَةِ الحَناجِرِ خورِ

7. And ask Hawazin who will inherit its fire
Or who will solve its forbidden mysteries

٧. وَسَلوا هَوازِنَ مَن يُؤَرِّثُ نارَها
أَو مَن يَحُلُّ بِثَغرِها المَحذورِ