1. He who marches at dawn, with his brother
Abu Dhahhak grazing in the north,
١. وَمَن يَكُ بادِياً وَيَكُن أَخاهُ
أَبا الضَحّاكِ يَنتَسِجِ الشِمالا
2. Will suffice you the meandering one with eight
A swift she-camel whose hair you spin into ropes,
٢. سَيَكفيكِ المُرَحَّلُ ذو ثَمانٍ
سَحيلٌ تَغزِلينَ لَهُ الجُفالا
3. Will suffice you God and palm trees
Like an oleander dripping honey they shed down pods,
٣. سَيَكفيكِ الإِلَهُ وَمُسنَماتٌ
كَجَندَلِ لُبنَ تَطَّرِدُ الصِلالا
4. Daughters of Labun, a household to him,
Who sailed the nights from him and stayed awake,
٤. بَناتُ لَبونِهِ عَثَجٌ إِلَيهِ
يَسُفنَ اللَيتَ مِنهُ وَالقَذالا
5. They have an ancestor who seeks refuge in every pasture
Sanctuary of meadows where he gained notoriety,
٥. لَها سَلَفٌ يَعوذُ بِكُلِّ ريعٍ
حَمى الحَوزاتِ وَاِشتَهَرَ الإِفالا
6. Bleating she-camels think the herder
Will stay reciting verses to them,
٦. خَراخِرُ تَحسِبُ الصَقَعِيَّ حَتّى
يَظَلَّ يَقُرُّهُ الراعي سِجالا
7. When the milk bags are full he milks them
And pours out the rich milk into the buckets,
٧. إِذا غُزُرُ المَحالِبِ أَتأَقَتهُ
يَمُجُّ عَلى مَناكِبِهِ الثُمالا
8. So when he crossed the wide plain
And lodged the night at al-Kazat and said:
٨. فَلَمّا جاوَزَ الرَبَلاتِ مِنها
إِلى الكاذاتِ باتَ بِها وَقالا
9. You graze from the sides of prolific she-camels
An unmarried man who slaughtered the crescent moon,
٩. تَرَعّى مِن جُنوبِ ثُعالِباتٍ
أَسِرَّةَ عازِبٍ نَحَرَ الهِلالا
10. To you we will not be miserly neighbors
Nor deny you fresh milk when we have milked.
١٠. إِلَيكُم لا نَكونُ لَكُم خَلاةً
وَلا نَكَعَ النَقاوى إِذ أَحالا