1. The tribe of Hima have my heart's disdain;
Their camp's unlovely, sordid, and profane!
١. إِنَّ عَلى أَهوى لَأَلأَمَ حاضِرٍ
حَسَباً وَأَقبَحَ مَجلِسٍ أَلوانا
2. God frown upon them! None with me agrees
To rid of them this sweet abode of ease.
٢. قَبَحَ الإِلَهُ وَلا أُحاشي غَيرَهُم
أَهلَ السُبَيلَةِ مِن بَني حِمّانا
3. Lolling at ease, upon their haunch, the louts
Debar the poor and worthy from their haunts:
٣. مُتَوَسِّدونَ عَلى الحِياضِ لُحاهُمُ
يَرمونَ عَن فُضَلائِها فُضلانا
4. And did thy clan not come to my relief,
Helpless I were in face of shame and grief.
٤. وَبِحَسبِ قَومِكَ إِن شَتَوا مَطلولَةٌ
شَرعَ النَهارِ وَمَذقَةٌ أَحيانا