
Mu'ayyah's soul was truthful, so it set out,

صدقت معية نفسه فترحلا

1. Mu'ayyah's soul was truthful, so it set out,
And saw the certainty, finding no excuses.

١. صَدَقَت مُعَيَّةُ نَفسُهُ فَتَرَحَّلا
وَرَأى اليَقينَ وَلَم يَجِد مُتَعَلَّلا

2. Mu'ayyah fulfilled his duty to you,
And saw that his affair was resolute.

٢. وَقَضى لُبانَتَهُ مُعَيَّةُ مِنكُمُ
وَرَأى عَزيمَةَ أَمرِهِ أَن يَفعَلا

3. He saw Abu Hassaan with little to give,
So his eyes discerned him, a closed, dark-skinned man.

٣. وَرَأى أَبا حَسّانَ دونَ عَطائِهِ
فَتَبَيَّنَتهُ العَينَ أَسمَرَ مُقفَلا

4. He bought his she-camel fully grown,
A dusky smooth rider that fills the bushel.

٤. فَشَرى حَريبَتَهُ بِكُلِّ طُوالَةٍ
دَهماءَ سابِغَةٍ تُوَفّي المِكيَلا

5. He left in the morning, from land he disliked,
And chose Wurthan as a place to settle.

٥. وَغَدا مِنَ الأَرضِ الَّتي لَم يَرضَها
وَاِختارَ وَرثاناً عَلَيها مَنزِلا

6. He crossed mountains on his traveling she-camel,
Never complaining of her worn-out sandals.

٦. فَطَوى الجِبالَ عَلى رَحالَةِ بازِلٍ
لا يَشتَكي أَبَداً بِخُفٍّ جَندَلا

7. She attacks every long-necked ostrich she faces,
With a tossing that leaves the ostrich sprawling.

٧. تَغتالُ كُلَّ تَنوفَةٍ عَرَضَت لَها
بِتَقاذُفٍ يَدَعُ الجَديلَ مُوَصَّلا

8. With her gentle, smooth sides that still bear a rider,
She scatters her hairpins, bending flexibly.

٨. بِجَنوبِ لينَةَ ما تَزالُ بِراكِبٍ
تُذري مَناسِمُها بِهِنَّ الحَنظَلا

9. She leaves the young ostriches in her tracks,
Between broken wings and plucked, naked bodies.

٩. تَدَعُ الفِراخَ الزُغبَ في آثارِها
مِن بَينِ مَكسورِ الجَناحِ وَأَقزَلا

10. She strains her throat until she can barely stand,
Leaving the sitting ostrich unable to move.

١٠. نُحُّ الحَناجِرِ ما يَكادُ يُقيمُها
تَدَعُ القَعودَ مِنَ التَصَرُّفِ أَجزَلا

11. When she reaches the shooting-grounds of Tal'ah,
She rises up to take her to the furthest place.

١١. آلى إِذا بَلَغَت مَدافِعَ تَلعَةً
وَعَلا لِيُبلِغها المَكانَ الأَطوَلا

12. It is as though they are the outskirts of Yathrib around her,
A forbidden, ruined land that she roams unrestrained.

١٢. وَكَأَنَّهُنَّ أَشاءُ يَثرِبَ حَولَها
جُرفٌ أَضَرَّ بِهِنَّ نِهيٌ بُهَّلا

13. It is as though the tribute of a merchant was granted to him
One day when they met a pouring rain.

١٣. وَكَأَنَّ جِزيَةَ تاجِرٍ وُهِبَت لَهُ
يَوماً إِذا اِستَقبَلنَ غَيثاً مُبقِلا

14. You can see her molars, with every settlement,
Crunching and gnashing, unbroken by the years.

١٤. وَتَرى أَوابِيَها بِكُلِّ قَرارَةٍ
يَكرُفنَ شِقشِقَةً وَناباً أَعصَلا

15. When they hear the snort of an angry bull-camel,
Her front teeth protrude if he brays loudly.

١٥. وَإِذا سَمِعنَ هَديرَ أَكلَفَ مُحنِقٍ
عَدَلَت سَوالِفُها إِذا ما جَلجَلا

16. The slave's legs gave way beneath him
And straightened his knee, realigning it.

١٦. فَالعَبدُ قَد أَعنَتنَ أَسفَلَ ساقِهِ
وَعَدَلنَ رُكبَتَهُ سِواها مَعدِلا

17. She left him with his neck skin torn,
Like a relaxed body unable to move its joints.

١٧. فَتَرَكنَهُ حَلَقَ الأَديمِ مُكَسِّراً
كَالمِسحِ أُلقِيَ ما يُحَرِّكُ مَفصِلا

18. His clothes are thick, as though the hair on his head
Had been planted and sprouted violets around it.

١٨. دَسِمَ الثِيابِ كَأَنَّ فَروَةَ رَأسِهِ
زُرِعَت فَأَنبَتَ جانِباها فُلفُلا

19. The Abyssinian in the midst of the commotion
Hears no sound when the slave approaches the water-hole,

١٩. لا يَسمَعُ الحَبَشِيُّ وَسطَ عِراكِها
صَوتاً إِذا ما العَبدُ أَورَدَ مَنهَلا

20. Except their echoing around his blackness
With straining throats and muffled voices.

٢٠. إِلّا تَجاوُبَهُنَّ حَولَ سَوادِهِ
بِحَناجِرٍ نُحٍّ وَصَوتٍ أَهدَلا

21. You can see the Abyssinian hitting her
Fiercely when she finds a place with food.

٢١. وَلَقَد تَرى الحَبَشِيَّ وَهوَ يَصُكُّها
أَشِراً إِذا ما نالَ يَوماً مَأكَلا

22. Blinking from fear of the mixed herd, as though
A hot Yemeni wind had blinded him.

٢٢. يَرمَدُّ مِن حَذَرِ الخِلاطِ كَما اِزدَهَت
ريحٌ يَمانِيَةٌ ظَليماً مُجفِلا

23. No good comes from a young man staying long
Unless he is unable to move on.

٢٣. لا خَيرَ في طولِ الإِقامَةِ لِلفَتى
إِلّا إِذا ما لَم يَجِد مُتَحَوَّلا