
The bare earth was left to morning clouds after we left,

عفت بعدنا أجراع بكر فتولب

1. The bare earth was left to morning clouds after we left,
Between a playground and a viewing place,

١. عَفَت بَعدَنا أَجراعُ بِكرٍ فَتَولَبِ
فَوادى الرِداهِ بَينَ مَلهىً فَمَلعَبِ

2. As if no messengers would come back to them,
We passed by them on the winding road,

٢. إِذاً لَم يَكُن رِسلٌ يَعودُ عَلَيهِمُ
مَرَينا لَهُم بِالشَوحَطِ المُتَقَوِّبِ

3. With burrows like eggs, the insides of which
Are stone burrows from a known place and stepped on,

٣. بِمَكنونَةٍ كَالبيضِ شانَ مُتونَها
مُتونُ الحَصى مِن مُعلَمٍ وَمُعَقَّبِ

4. The remnants of homes until they return to them,
Secluded clouds during the disappearance of a planet,

٤. بَقايا الذُرى حَتّى تَعودَ عَلَيهِمُ
عَزالي سَحابٍ في اِغتِماسَةِ كَوكَبِ

5. When you pass by a guarantee for a duty,
Hold on to a rope from Adiyy the son of Jundab,

٥. إِذا كُنتَ مُجتازاً تَميماً لِذِمَّةٍ
فَمَسِّك بِحَبلٍ مِن عَديِّ بنِ جُندَبِ

6. They are the shoulder of fate which is feared for protection
And its hoped for side is the most generous side,

٦. هُمُ كاهِلُ الدَهرِ الَّذي يُتَّقى بِهِ
وَمَنكِبُهُ المَرجُوُّ أَكرَمُ مَنكِبِ

7. If they prevent, nothing comes out behind them,
And if war rides, it rides all the ships with them,

٧. إِذا مَنَعوا لَم يُرجَ شَيءٌ وَراءَهُم
وَإِن رَكِبَت حَربٌ بِهِم كُلَّ مَركَبِ

8. And I call you to the lawful and protect you,
And with God is the knowledge of the hidden,

٨. وَإِنّي لَداعيكَ الحَلالَ وَعاصِماً
أَباكَ وَعِندَ اللَهِ عِلمُ المُغَيَّبِ

9. He refused to let the lawful become soft in his heart,
And the veins of evil in a mended sandal,

٩. أَبى لِلحَلالِ رِخوَةً في فُؤادِهِ
وَأَعراقُ سَوءٍ في رَجيعٍ مُعَلَّبِ

10. And a yellow-bellied servant went pale when his Lord left,
He walked the two sons of the valley in the scorched and burnt valley,

١٠. وَأَصفَرَ عَطّافٍ إِذا راحَ رَبُّهُ
جَرى اِبنا عِيانٍ بِالشِواءِ المُضَهَّبِ

11. An exit from gloominess when the clamor increases,
Ransomed like the belly of a lamb without cause,

١١. خَروجٍ مِنَ الغُمّى إِذا كَثُرَ الوَغى
مُفَدّىً كَبَطنِ الأَينِ غَيرِ مُسَبَّبِ

12. Tomorrow he comes hostile, arrogant, bending his chest
To winning from the palm of the gushing, blessed palm

١٢. غَدا عانِداً صَعلاً يَنوءُ بِصَدرِهِ
إِلى الفَوزِ مِن كَفِّ المُفيضِ المُؤَرَّبِ

13. I swore to them, “Do not count my insult
With bleary eyes in the blindness of isolation,”

١٣. حَلَفتُ لَهُم لا تَحسِبونَ شَتيمَتي
بِعَينَي حُبارى في حِبالَةِ مُعزِبِ

14. A woman saw a man striving toward her so she stared at him
With the corner of her turning eye,

١٤. رَأَت رَجُلاً يَسعى إِلَيها فَحَملَقَت
إِلَيهِ بِمَأقى عَينِها المُتَقَلِّبِ

15. She flaps her legs and her feathers have been soaked
By sprinkling like the washing of the dripping beard,

١٥. تَنوشُ بِرِجلَيها وَقَد بَلَّ ريشَها
رَشاشٌ كَغِسلِ الوَفرَةِ المُتَصَبِّبِ

16. And it leafed since the era of the son of Affan around him
Surrounds of thousands without drinking,

١٦. وَأَورَقَ مُذ عَهدِ اِبنِ عَفّانَ حَولَهُ
حَواضِنُ أُلّافٌ عَلى غَيرِ مَشرَبِ

17. The lofty camels came with their necks
To one with a beauty mark wearing kohl,

١٧. وِرادُ الأَعالي أَقبَلَت بِنُحورِها
عَلى راشِحٍ ذي شامَةٍ مُتَقَوِّبِ

18. It is as if the remnants of his color in their insides
Are remnants of bliss in the shields of a tester,

١٨. كَأَنَّ بَقايا لَونِهِ في مُتونِها
بَقايا هَناءٍ في قَلائِصِ مُجرِبِ

19. “Do you not know, oh most painful of people, that I
Am well-known in Mecca and with the slaughtered?”

١٩. أَلَم تَعلَمي يا أَلأَمَ الناسِ أَنَّني
بِمَكَّةَ مَعروفٌ وَعِندَ المُحَصَّبِ

20. And we were like the wax effigies of men, and with us
Were ropes which if tied to an effigy become attached,

٢٠. وَكُنّا كَنوكانِ الرِجالِ وَعِندَنا
حِبالٌ مَتى تَعلَق بِنوكانَ تَنشَبِ

21. A brother of impurity who gives enemies generously with his hand
Yet to relatives is of lying and betrayal,

٢١. أَخو دَنَسٍ يُعطي الأَعادي بِإِستِهِ
وَفي الأَقرَبينَ ذو كِذابٍ وَنَيرَبِ

22. Quick, flowing in argument as if he is
A pillar of opposition in the hands of one who intimidates

٢٢. سَريعٌ دَريرٌ في المِراءِ كَأَنَّهُ
عَمودُ خِلافٍ في يَدَي مُتَهَيِّبِ

23. And a freckled Badriyya who builds her tent
On shifting sands during winter, bent.

٢٣. وَبَدرِيَّةٍ شَمطاءَ تَبني خِباءَها
عَلى بَرَمٍ عِندَ الشِتاءِ مُجَنَّبِ