
I have not seen one mocked among a gathering

ولم أر معقورا به وسط معشر

1. I have not seen one mocked among a gathering
Who retaliated less with his tongue and hand,

١. وَلَم أَرَ مَعقوراً بِهِ وَسطَ مَعشَرٍ
أَقَلَّ اِنتِصاراً بِاللِسانِ وَبِاليَدِ

2. Except a tender gaze with a sick eye
From which a tear flowed and overflowed generously.

٢. سِوى نَظَرٍ ساجٍ بِعَينٍ مَريضَةٍ
جَرَت عَبرَةٌ مِنها فَفاضَت بِإِثمِدِ

3. The eye of the one who made your tears flow only wept
And was promised by a promiser from the sister tribe of Misrad.

٣. بَكَت عَينُ مَن أَذرى دُموعَكِ إِنَّما
وَشى بِكِ واشٍ مِن بَني أُختِ مِسرَدِ

4. If I had been excused for supporting you,
My hawks would have made the ravens of the tied camel flee.

٤. فَلَو كُنتُ مَعذوراً بِنَصرِكِ طَيَّرَت
صُقورِيَ غِربانَ البَعيرِ المُقَيَّدِ

5. Qutami would have remained while under his upper lip
Were doves with soft plumage.

٥. لَظَلَّ قُطامِيٌّ وَتَحتَ لَبانِهِ
نَواهِضَ رُبدٌ ذاتُ ريشٍ مُسَبَّدِ

6. And in it from the burdens of its people,
Is a heavily pregnant she-camel and one who grieves for the newborn.

٦. وَلِلدارِ فيها مِن حُمولَةِ أَهلِها
عَقيرٌ وَلِلباكي بِها المُتَبَلِّدِ

7. When the mist clears from him in the morning,
He sees himself in a land of singing camel-litters.

٧. إِذا ما اِنجَلَت عَنهُ غَداةً ضَبابَةٌ
رَأى وَهوَ في بَلدٍ خَرانِقَ مُنشِدِ

8. And cheeks of ladies who are heard at dawn
Singing delicate melodies in languid tones.

٨. وَخودٌ مِنَ اللائي يُسَمَّعنَ بِالضُحى
قَريضَ الرُدافى بِالغِناءِ المُهَوَّدِ

9. Buxom ones with chins of lofty stature
When they incline are like flaming falling stars.

٩. ضَوارِبُ بِالأَذقانِ مِن ذي شَكيمَةٍ
إِذا ما هَوى كَالنَيزَكِ المُتَوَقِّدِ

10. They called us over so we visited at midday and below them
Is a wing and pillar of the tents of Thahmad.

١٠. دَعَتنا فَأَلوَت بِالنَصيفِ وَدونَها
جَناحٌ وَرُكنٌ مِن أَهاضيبِ ثَهمَدِ

11. The brow above the eye of its mother
Is the twin of a servant from the tribe of Qutayn.

١١. مُرَبَّعُ أَعلى حاجِبُ العَينِ أُمُّهُ
شَقيقَهُ عَبدٍ مِن قَطينٍ مُوَلَّدِ