
They surrounded me with advice until I repelled them

أحاط بى العذال حتى صرفتهم

1. They surrounded me with advice until I repelled them
By saying that passion is an innate nature that cannot be changed

١. أحاط بىَ العُذَّال حتى صرفتُهم
بأنّ الهوى طبعٌ ولا يُنقَلُ الطبعُ

2. They saw that I was a lover of all that I saw
And what the two ears hear is of no use

٢. رأَوا كلَّ ما أبصرتُه أنا عاشقٌ
وما تسمع الأذنانِ ليس له نفعُ

3. So they said while my heart would not accept their advice
Our brother has an eye but has no hearing

٣. فقالوا وقلبي ليس يقبلَ نصحَهم
أخونا له عينٌ وليس له سمعُ