
When people scatter saffron

إذا نثر الناس الهرقلية الصفرا

1. When people scatter saffron,
I scatter praise and thanks upon you.

١. إذا نثرَ الناسُ الهِرَقْليَّةَ الصُّفْرا
نثرتُ على عليائك الحمدَ والشُّكرا

2. I compose from a pure mind masterpieces
To please the ears of transmitters with them somewhat.

٢. وصغتُ من الذهن المصفَّى بدائعا
أقرِّط أسماعَ الرُّواةِ بها شَذْرا

3. So do not think that only the sea contains pearls -
Mouths can also bring out pearls from their speech.

٣. فلا تحسبَنَّ الدُّرَّ في البحرِ وحدَه
فقد تُخرِج الأفواهُ من لفظها دُرَّا

4. And whoever was the body and soul of honors
Was adorned with praise, not coarseness or reprimand.

٤. ومن كان جسمَ المكرمات وروحَها
تحلَّى ثناءً لا لُجينا ولا تِبرا

5. His hearing is greeted with the basil of praises,
And it suffices him that his merits are fragrant.

٥. يُحيَّا برَيحان المحامدِ سمعُه
ويكفيهِ أن كانت مناقبه عِطرا

6. I am not pleased with any gift but your description,
Nor a judge except with praising you as compensation.

٦. ولست براضٍ غيرَ وصفك تحفةً
ولا قاضيا إلا بمِدحتك النَّذرا

7. You reached the ultimate goal of power,
Below which the conveyors of wishes fell short.

٧. بلغتَ عميدَ الدولة الغايةَ التي
ركائبُ أنباءِ المنى دونَها حَسرَى

8. You kept heating glory until you made it
Yours, not to be sold or bought.

٨. وما زلتَ تُغلى المجدَ حتى جعلتَهُ
عليك حبيسا لا يباعُ ولا يُشرى

9. How many a seeker claims a share in it yet
He folds his palms if he knows the price!

٩. وكم طالبٍ فيه نصيبا وإنه
ليَقبِضُ كفَّيْه إذا عَرف السِّعرا

10. An energetic soul obeys you in kindness -
If asked about your generosity, it sees apology as ugly.

١٠. تطيعك في المعروف نفسٌ حيِيَّة
إذا سُئلتْ جدواك تستقبحُ العُذرا

11. I think you want asceticism in the world,
For you are not one who stores up for a future consequence.

١١. أظنُّك في الدنيا تُريد زهادةً
فلستَ بمستبقٍ لعاقبةٍ ذُخرا

12. Blessings volunteered with herself,
So you recreated her in your time with another birth,

١٢. وقد كانت النَّعماءُ جادت بنفسها
فأنشأتَها في عصرك النشأةَ الأخرى

13. Gifts that give wealth over wealth
As extra and leave the poor as if he were rich,

١٣. مواهبُ يُعطين الغنىَّ على الغِنَى
مَزيدا ويتركن الفقيرَ كمن أثرى

14. Coming in secret while the clouds thunder with it,
Announcing what they grant if they pour rain.

١٤. يوافين سراًّ والسحابُ برعدها
تبوح بما توليه إن أرسلتْ قَطرا

15. My summer cloud in the dew has ransomed you,
Suspecting the request of petitioners to be a trick.

١٥. فدّى لك صيفىُّ الغمامة في الندى
يَظُنّ سؤالَ السائلين به مكرا

16. When hopes flock around his coasts,
They hear from every side a rebuke.

١٦. إذا حامت الآمالُ حول حِياضه
سمعنَ بها من كلِّ ناحيةٍ زَجرا

17. Are you not one of those people whose tents
And those who desire them are captivated?

١٧. ألستَ من القوم الذين نداهُمُ
حبائُلهم والراغبون بها أسرى

18. They spend nights in places of enjoyment while having
Leftover provisions protected for whoever is fed,

١٨. يبيتون في المشتى خِماصاً وعندهم
من الزاد فضلاتٌ تُصان لمن يُقرى

19. Fearing the guest gets lost from them, so they raised
From the darkness banners of red fire.

١٩. خشَوا أن يضِلَّ الضيفُ عنهم فرفَّعوا
من النار في الظلماء ألويةً حُمرا

20. They benefited those they wanted and destroyed them promptly -
Thus their hands gathered ease and hardship.

٢٠. أفادوا الذي شاءوا وأفنَوه عاجلا
فقد جمعتْ أيديهم العُسرَ واليُسرا

21. The hearts' seeds succeed you as if
You were created a secret in consciences or a mystery.

٢١. تواليك حباَّتُ القلوب كأنما
خُلقتَ سرورا في الضمائِر أو سِرّا

22. So if the two eyes invite love,
They have seen in your person the sun and the moon.

٢٢. فإن كانت العينان داعيةَ الهوى
فقد أبصرتْ من شخصك الشمسَ والبدرا

23. And if the soul has a longing for warmth,
It is most deserving to yearn for your blossoms.

٢٣. وإن كان للنفس الطروبِ تتيُّمٌ
فأجدرُ أن تَهوَى خلائقَك الزُّهرا

24. Even enemies have inclined toward peace with you
And what person does not love righteousness?

٢٤. فقد جنَح الأعداءُ للسّلم رغبةً
إليك وأىّ الناس لا يعشق البِرّا

25. As for the illness of enviers, it has no cure,
And blessings that can be picked have almost ended.

٢٥. فأما سَقام الحاسدين فما له
شفاءٌ وقد كادتهُمُ نِعَمٌ تَتْرَى

26. Your hands are equal in extension and generosity
So the right did not boast over the left of any favor.

٢٦. تسوت يداك بسطةً وسماحةً
فلم تفخر اليمنى بفضل على اليسرى

27. You tore apart the group of people that quarrel
With the edge of a tongue that alternates between attack and defense.

٢٧. ومعترَكٍ للقوم مزَّقتَ جمَعه
بحدِّ لسانٍ يُحسن الكرّ والفرّا

28. And vulgarity that ignorance led to you
Made the refuge of forbearance without it a veil.

٢٨. وفحشاء أدّتها إليك جهالةٌ
جعلتَ رتاجَ الحلم من دونها سِترا

29. Over glory flies a protected heart -
If it undertakes fears it does not consult a thought.

٢٩. سما بك فوق العزّ قلبٌ مشيَّعٌ
إذا ركب الأهوالَ لم يستشر فكرا

30. And the determination of a rewarder on every peak
Attains the prohibition and command at its firmest.

٣٠. وهمّةُ وثَّابٍ على كلّ ذِروةٍ
يَنال على أكّدها النَّهىَ والأمرا

31. Oh, many an hour in your succession that
His steeds stumbled with him or his leg tripped!

٣١. ألا ربَّ ساعٍ في مَداك كَبتْ به
مطاياه أو قالت له رِجلُه عَثْرا

32. And a seeker of the limit of your favor
And whoever wades into the green or bleeds the sea!

٣٢. وملتمِسٍ في عدِّ فضلك غايةً
ومن يَشبُر الخضراءَ أو ينزِف البحرا

33. Take a side from the dust of crookedness
Otherwise you have wasted prime pursuit.

٣٣. خذوا عن غُبار الأعوجيَّات جانبا
وإلا فقد ضيعتمُ خَلفها الحُضرا

34. And leave this firm hero his whim -
You have not mastered loss and danger.

٣٤. وخلُّوا لهذا البازلِ القَرِم شَولَه
فإنكُمُ لم تَحذِقوا الهَدْر والخَطْرا

35. A young man who deprived enemies of eagerness for heights
So they submitted to him and did not tie a knot.

٣٥. فتىً سالَبَ ألأعداء حِرصا على العلا
فأجلَوا له عنها وما عَقَد الأُزْرا

36. Does the illuminated garden not please eyes
That have grazed in its beauty and cheer?

٣٦. وهل يُعجب الروضُ المنوّرُ أعينا
رعَتْ في محيّاه الطلاقةَ والبِشرا

37. As if modesty has poured in his cheeks
So it was his water and his excess was its basins.

٣٧. كأنَّ الحياءَ انهلَّ في وجَناته
فكانَ لها ماءً وكانت له غُدْرا

38. Its intimate whispers speak to him of hidden secrets
So you think they were deposited in pages being read.

٣٨. تحدّثه الغيبَ الخفىَّ طنونهُ
فتحسبُها قد أودِعتْ صُحُفا تُقرَا

39. They said he is the pouring rain that floods the land
So I said to them you have not added to me any news.

٣٩. وقالوا هو الغيث الذي يغمرُ الربىَ
فقلت لهم ما زدتموني به خُبرا

40. They said he is the lion whose mane hair is dusty
So I said, by God, which of them is more fitting?

٤٠. فقالوا هو الليثُ المعفِّر قِرنَهُ
فقلت بحقّ الله أيُّهما أجرا

41. I swore that it descends upon its shoulders
Let down, tightening them, with raised hair.

٤١. حلفت بها تَهوِى على ثَفِناتها
من الأين مرخاةً أزمَّتُها صُعرا

42. It drags behind it the trains of winds
When it writes a line, it erases what came before.

٤٢. تجرِّر أذيالَ الرياح وراءَ ها
إذا كتبتْ سطرا محتْ قبلَه سطرا

43. It abstains from carrying riders like statues
And carries in its raids dishevelment and dust,

٤٣. تَنَزَّهُ عن حَمل الأوانسِ كالدُّمى
وتحمِل في كِيرانها الشُّعثَ والغُبْرا

44. To where good treatment is not rewarded
When they fulfill a ritual, the reward is their slaughter.

٤٤. إلى حيث لا تُجزَى بحسن صنيعها
إذا ما قضَوا نُسكا جزَوها به نَحرا

45. And a house, surrounded by those who circled around it
Circling of commoners wearing necklaces of pearls.

٤٥. وبالبيت محفوفا بمن طاف حوله
إطافةَ سِمطىْ لؤلؤ قلّدا نحرا

46. The cheeks of its inscriptions reveal in their shells
To a viewer the swords are bared and not bared.

٤٦. تُفاضُ سجوفُ الرَّقم في جبناته
على ماثلٍ تَعرَى السيوفُ ولا يعرى

47. A sanctuary whose trees birds do not fear
Any shirt, nor do deer fear any startling with it.

٤٧. حمىً لا يخاف الطيرُ في شجراتهِ
قنيصا ولا تخشى الظباءُ به ذُعرا

48. By the firmly twisted stone of hearing and obedience,
We know that He who controls benefit and harm.

٤٨. وبالحجرِ الملثومِ سمعا وطاعة
ونعلم أنْ ما يملك النفع والضرا

49. When they clink the drinking cups for heights
I am most deserving of an arrow and fastest in shooting.

٤٩. لأنت إذا صَكُّوا القِداح على العلا
أحظُّهمُ سهما وأسرعُهم قَمرا

50. Highest of heel, sweetest of booty,
Most faithful in promise and highest in mention.

٥٠. وأعلاهُمُ كعبا وأحلاهُمُ جَنىً
وأوفاهُمُ عهدا وأرفعُهم ذِكرا

51. The success of the effort in every goal
That you have desired to accomplish suffices you.

٥١. كفاك نجاحُ السعى في كلّ مطلب
هممت به أن تزج الأدم والعفرا

52. With resolve, like the freedom of yearning was released,
And passion, like an eagle startled from its nest was scared.

٥٢. بعزم كما أطلقن أنشوطة الحبى
وجِدٍّ كما نفَّرتَ عن مَربإ صَقرا

53. I saw you as a towering mountain peak for the caliph's seat,
A sword above its sheath that shortens lifetimes.

٥٣. رأيتك طودا للخليفة شامخا
وسيفا على شانيه يختصر العمرا

54. When distressful needs come to you, you judge them,
And if sorrows knock, the gap is closed by you.

٥٤. إِذا عرَضتْ حَوجاءُ كنتَ قضاءَها
وإن طرَقتْ غَمّاءُ سَدّ بك الثغرا

55. An order called you for an affair that none but you
Can execute, and it deemed you carry out the command.

٥٥. دعاك لأمرٍ ليس يُحكِم فتلَه
سواك وهجِيِّراك أن تُبرمَ الأمرا

56. So you sent it from Babylon as if
You disturb a cat from under the saddles, purring.

٥٦. فأرسلتَها من بابلٍ وكأنما
تُقلِقلُ من تحت السروج قَطاً كُدْرا

57. It hit the mountains and ruins like tattooed patches -
It dresses them with snow and shoes them with boulders.

٥٧. صدمَت بها الأجبالَ والقُرُّ كالحٌ
تجلّلها ثلجا وتُنعلها صخرا

58. It remembers a pasture in Iraq and a watering place -
And does repeating recollection benefit the ardent?

٥٨. تَذكَّرُ مَرعىً بالعراقِ ومورِدا
وهل ينفع المشتاقَ ترديدُه الذكرا

59. When it loitered in a pass, it thought it
A place for crows seeking a den.

٥٩. إذا رَبأتْ في قُنَّةٍ خِلت أنها
خُدارِيّةُ العِقبانِ طالبةً وَكرا

60. So they competed therein with meteors until they aspired
To adorn from them necklaces and finery.

٦٠. فزاحمن فيها الشُّهب حتى طمعن أن
يحلَّين منهنّ القلائدَ والعُذْرا

61. With every minaret whose height the birds fall short of
And which the starlings do not find a way above.

٦١. بكلِّ منيفٍ يقصُر الطيرُ دونه
ولا تجد النكباءُ من فوقه مَجرى

62. And a towering mountain peak clad in snowy turban
As the color of white has visited the forelock's hair.

٦٢. وطودٍ بحولىّ الجليدِ معمَّمٍ
كما زار لونُ الشيب في هامةٍ شَعرا

63. It is as if we peeled off it the skin of a mule
That covered its sides, back, and belly with fat.

٦٣. كأنا كشطنا عنه جِلدةَ بازلٍ
كسا شحمُه جنبيه والمتنَ والظهرا

64. The various types of weather resided in it to guide villages to you,
And did not suffice with water so they milked pearl.

٦٤. أقامت به ألأنواءُ تُهدى لك القِرى
ولم تقتنع بالماء فاحتلبت دَرَّا

65. They furnished the land for you with camphor of the sky
So it resembled it in color and opposed it in crust.

٦٥. فرشنَ بِكافورِ السماء لك الربىَ
فشابهنَه لونا وخالفنَه قِشرا

66. When the steeds were saved from it, I saw them
Adorned with no color mixed in, covered in dust.

٦٦. اذا خلَصت منها الجيادُ رأيتها
وما خالطت لونا محجَّلةً غُرّا

67. And the distance of the journey separated them in their bodies
So it did away in them with half and left for them half.

٦٧. وقاسمها بُعدُ المدى في جسومها
فأفنى بها شطرا وابقى لها شطرا

68. And when the tethers of plateaus draped behind them
And the length of the leading intoxicated them.

٦٨. ولما دَحَت قُود الهضاب وراءَها
ورنّحها طولُ القيادِ لها سُكرا

69. It cast the neighing of delight from them with eyes
Looking from their corners with a glancing wink.

٦٩. رمتْ صحصحانَ الرَّى منها بأعين
تردّد في أعطافه نظرا شَزرا

70. There called a caller whom the Hearer answered -
So you received when its features gathered soil.

٧٠. هناك دعا داعٍ من الله مسمِعٌ
فلبَّاك من ضمَّتْ معالمُها طُرَّا

71. They congratulate the blessed rising auspiciously
And show utmost reverence to their greatest in rank.

٧١. يحيُّون ميمونَ النقيبةِ ماجدا
ويَلقون بالتعظيم أعظمَهم قدرا

72. You did not see the Lord of the Crown raise his veils
And banish what you have whispered to Him of misguidance and arrogance.

٧٢. ولا قيتَ ربَّ التاج يرفعُ حُجْبَهَ
ويطردُ ما ناجيته التيهَ والكِبرا

73. You conversed with Him until you have fascinated His heart -
Beware, perhaps rhetoric itself is magic!

٧٣. وحاورتَه حتى شغفتَ فؤادَه
ألا ربّما كان البيانُ هو السحرا

74. He saw in you what he loves of glory and happiness
Thus you were none but foremost in his gatherings.

٧٤. رأى فيك ما يهواه مجدا وسؤددا
فما كنت إلا في مجالسه صدرا

75. It suffices you pride that you marched a departure
And accomplished the ends of prophethood from Ctesiphon.

٧٥. وحسبُك فخرا أن تجَهزّتَ غاديا
فقضَّيتَ أوطار النبوّة من كِسرى

76. A King whom the Merciful has protected the egg of his dominion -
Thus none in existence can break it.

٧٦. مليكٌ حمَى الرحمنُ بيضةَ مُلكه
فما في الورى من يستطيع لها كَسرا

77. His regiments are armored with openings for conquests
In every east and west, victorious.

٧٧. كتائُبه في كلّ شرق ومغرب
مدرَّعةٌ فتحا مؤيّدةٌ نصرا

78. The systemization of the Kingdom sufficed the greatest ambition
And busied his counsel of hidden and public.

٧٨. كَفاه نظامُ الملك أكبرَ همّة
وأتعبَ في آرائه السرَّ والجهرا