1. Truth has returned to its proper place
And you are the most deserving of it amongst all people
١. قد رجعَ الحقُّ إلى نِصابهِ
وأنت من كلّ الورى أولىَ بهِ
2. You were but a sword brandished by a hand
Then returned to its sheath
٢. ما كنت إلا السيفَ سلَّته يدٌ
ثُمّ أعادته إلى قِرابهِ
3. It was shaken until I saw it unsheathed
Its elegance making it needless of being drawn
٣. هزَّتهُ حتى أبصرْتُه صارما
رونقُه يُغنيه عن ضِرابهِ
4. Bestow with it a ministry which has not been entrusted
Except to its rightful masters
٤. أَكرِمْ بها وزارةً ما سلَّمت
ما استُودِعت إلا إلى أربابهِ
5. Yearning to you since parting from it
With the yearning of my elderly brother for his youth
٥. مشوقة إليك مذ فارقتَها
شوقَ أخي الشِّيب إلى شبابهِ
6. One like you is envied but miraculously
The flashing lightning cannot be reached amidst its clouds
٦. مثلُك محسودٌ ولكن معجز
أن يُدرَكَ البارقُ في سحابهِ
7. Some have tried but who is this one
Who can fetch out smoothly from its sheath what is wedged inside
٧. حاولها قومٌ ومن هذا الذي
يُخْرِجُ لينا خادرا من غابهِ
8. The father of cubs maims whoever disputes him
With his claws and fangs in his lair
٨. يُدمِى أبو الأشبال من زاحمَهُ
في خِيسهِ بظُفره ونابهِ
9. Have you ever seen or heard someone wearing
What the honorable has not stripped off from his glory
٩. وهل سمعتَ أو رأيت لابسا
ما خلَع الأرقمُ من إهابهِ
10. Do not take the jest of talk lightly
Whatever God has decreed in His Book
١٠. لا تحسَبا لهوَ الحديث ماحيا
حَتما قضاه الله في كتابهِ
11. The passing breeze comes and goes
Without making the deaf deviate from his footholds
١١. مرُّ النسيم غاديا ورائحا
لا يُزلقُ الأصمَ عن هِضابهِ
12. Command is not given to anyone
A matter of the eloquent tongue of glory
١٢. وليس يُعطى أحدا قيادَه
أمرٌ لسانُ المجد من خُطَّابهِ
13. Be certain that when they saw it was difficult
There is nothing for the audacious except punishment
١٣. تيقَّنوا لما رأَوها صعبةً
أن ليس للجوِّ سوى عُقابهِ
14. Verily the crescent is hoped to emerge
After the dark night of its disappearance
١٤. إن الهلالَ يُرتَجى طلوعُه
بعد السَّرارِ ليلةَ احتجابهِ
15. And the sun, its rising is not despaired of
Even if the night enshrouded it in its gown
١٥. والشمس لا يُوءَس من طُلوعِها
وإن طواها الليلُ في جِلبابهِ
16. How good are homelands except
For a man, the sweetest trace is his estrangement
١٦. ما أطيبَ الأوطانَ إلا أنها
للمرء أحلىَ أثرَ اغترابهِ
17. Many a return attested to its perpetuity
And eternity is for man in his destination
١٧. كم عَودةٍ دلَّت على دوامها
والخُلدُ للإنسان في مآبه
18. Had pearls been near for their seeker
The diver would not have plunged seeking them
١٨. لو قَرُبَ الدُّرُّ على جالبه
ما لجَّجَ الغائصُ في طِلابه
19. Had he kept clinging to its shells
Crowns would not have been of any value to him
١٩. ولو أقام لازما أصدافَه
لم تكن التيجانُ في حسابه
20. Whoever loves the lofty, finds with them
What the lover finds of his loved ones
٢٠. من يعشق العلياءَ يلقَ عندها
ما لقىَ المحبُّ من أحبابه
21. Sometimes aloof, and intimacy at times
And the pleasure of affection in its blame
٢١. طورا صدودا ووصالا مرّةً
ولذّةُ الوامقِ في عتابه
22. With the disapproval of one you wish for
And the feared has come true from its causes
٢٢. وبّما اعتاصَ الذي تأمُلُه
وأصبحَ المخوفُ من أسبابهِ
23. Neither the sea’s pearls nor its coral
Except beyond the abyss from its depths
٢٣. ما لؤلؤ البحر ولا مَرجانه
إلا وراءَ الهول من عُبابهِ
24. It bowed to the Pride of the State, the intractable fate
And taught the days its etiquette
٢٤. ذلَّ لفخر الدولة الصعبُ الذُّرَى
وعلَّم الأيام من آدابهِ
25. And harnessed time so it does not command him
Except that it came obediently in its answer
٢٥. واستخدم الدهرَ فما يأمره
إلا أتى الطاعةَ في جوابه
26. From its refinement, its manners
Could almost win back treachery from the wolves
٢٦. يكاد من تهذيبه أخلاقَهُ
أن يستردَّ الغدرَ من ذئابهِ
27. Its days bowed down their necks
Humbly walking in its footsteps
٢٧. قد طأطأتْ أيامُه أعناقَها
خاضعةً تسير في رِكابِه
28. As if they are seekers of its reward
Or fearful of its punishment
٢٨. كأنها عصائبٌ من طالبي
ثوابهِ أو خائفى عِقابهِ
29. If they erred, they apologized
and if correct, it was due to its righteousness
٢٩. إن أخطأتْ واصلت اعتذارَها
وإن أصابت فهو من صوابهِ
30. O you who asks for generosity when its owner has lost it
Do not seek it in its sheath
٣٠. يا ناشد الجُود وقد أضلَّه
مالك لا تبغيه في جَنابِه
31. Wherever he stayed, people sawdew
His palms gesturing to his horizons
٣١. حيث أقام أبصرَ الناسُ الندى
تُشير كفاه إلى قِبابهِ
32. You see crowds of gratitude around his house
As if they are the tent pegs around its poles
٣٢. ترى وفودَ الشكر حولَ بيته
كأنها الأوتادُ في أطنابه
33. They did not rebel desires from their chests
Except that they rested at the entrance of his door
٣٣. ما ثوَّروا الآمال عن صدروهم
إلا أناخت بفِناء بابهِ
34. How can wishes not flock to his realm
When its pasture is but its herbage
٣٤. وكيف لا يهوىَ الرجاءُ رَبعَه
وليس مَرعاه سوى أعشابهِ
35. It collared the hands of favors with its permission
So they lifted from the edges of their veils
٣٥. قَلَّد أيدي المكرُماتِ إذَنهُ
فرفَعتْ من طَرَفَىْ حِجابهِ
36. Do not inquire persistently about the extent of his bounty
Or ask the branded about his wound
٣٦. لا تشئلنَّ عن مدى معروفه
أو تسل الوسمىَّ عن مَصابهِ
37. It suffices you what it unveils of good tidings
That you request permission to its guard
٣٧. يكفيك ما يبسُطه من بِشره
أن تطلبَ الإذن إلى حُجَّابهِ
38. Continual questioning overwhelms its donation
And pearls are effervescent over their dissolution
٣٨. يطغَى بتكرير السؤال رفدهُ
والدَّرُّ جيَّاشٌ على احتلابهِ
39. It is such that its actions are of such goodness
As if derived from its names
٣٩. هو الذي أفعالهُ من حسنِها
كأنما اشتُقِقن من ألقابهِ
40. Who counts clan in its essence
And lineage in its mind
٤٠. مَن حسَبُ السؤددِ في صميمهِ
ونسبُ العلياء في لُبابهِ
41. Its resolve is like Suhayr’s, if it were not
For the spear wavering in its commotion
٤١. كالسمهرىّ عزمُه لو لم يكن
ينقُص عنه الرمحُ باضطرابهِ
42. Thank you minister of ministers, you gain
Multiples of what you conveyed from its Giver
٤٢. شكرا وزير الوزراء تستزد
أضعافَ ما بُلّغتَ من وَهابهِ
43. You came like rain that hit a thirsty man
Deceived by mirage from its illusion
٤٣. قدِمتَ كالغيث أصاب ظامئا
سنوَّفه الخَدَّاعُ من سَرابهِ
44. So many prostrated when you rose high
As if they prayed toward their prayer niche
٤٤. كم ساجدٍ لمّا سموتَ طالعا
كأنه صلَّى إلى مِحرابِه
45. And fasters whose sight of you sufficed them
From good food and drink
٤٥. وصائم رؤياك قد أغنته عن
طعامه طِيبا وعن شرابهِ
46. Had the hand been able to strive in effort
Rushing ahead adorned in its clothes
٤٦. ولو أطاق الدَّستُ سعيا لسعى
مستقبِلا يختال في أثوابهِ
47. Its bosom would have been restless until embraced
Among those who settled from its saddlebags
٤٧. كان حشاه قلِقا حتى احتبى
في صدره من كان من آرابه
48. You would have lived in secure comfort
That makes the heart decisive in its confusion
٤٨. لأقمت في نعماءَ مطمئنَّةٍ
تُحكِّم الفؤادَ في إطرابهِ
49. It aids the world in its adornment
And overcomes time in its eras
٤٩. تساعد الدنيا على زينتها
وتغلب الدهر على أحقابهِ
50. It cast off its staff and its feet rested
In the basins of the valley and its slopes
٥٠. ألقت عصاها وارتمت ركابُها
في سُرَرِ الوادى وفي شِعابهِ
51. The passerby was relieved of his toil
And the foreigner of his saddlebags
٥١. قد أُعفىَ المارنُ من خَشاشهِ
ورُوّحَ الغاربُ من أقتابهِ
52. Through your coveted hands, their favor
The crow of separation has returned from its laments
٥٢. على يديك المرتجَى إنعامُها
تابَ غرابُ البين من نُعابهِ