1. His heart fled from love, so he escaped
After plunging into passion's turbulent seas
١. فرّ من الحبِّ قلبُه فنجَا
من بعد ما خاضَ في الهوى لجُجاَ
2. Neither did dawn's radiance adorn him
Nor did night's darkness cloak him
٢. فما سباه ملثَّم بضُحىً
ولا شجاه معمَّم بدُجَى
3. He who weeps for an hour may be excused - but what of one
Who wept at the ruins of their abode in distress?
٣. من يبكِ حَولا يُعذِرْ فكيف بمن
بكَى على رسم دارهم حِجَجا
4. This agony - it was passion that ignited
His heart, and the wine of desire was not diluted
٤. هذا اللَّمّى ذلك الذي شغف ال
قلبَ وخمرُ الثغور ما مُزِجا
5. How then did his burning love become cooled
And find relief after such torment?
٥. فكيف حالَ الغرامُ منه قِلىً
ونال من بعد شدَّةٍ فرَجا
6. Do not trust me to return
To one who schemed this love before us both
٦. لأ تأمنَنّى على مراجعةٍ
مَن دبَّر الحبَّ قبلَنا بحِجَا
7. O doe of the wilderness who was wounded
By an arrow - did you carry a howdah or saddlebags?
٧. يا ناقةَ الظبيةِ التي ظعنَتْ
أهودجا ما حمَلتِ أم بُرُجا
8. The full moon in its phases
Passed by Bayha and 'Usfaan and 'Amjaa
٨. زاد بكِ البدرُ في منازله
منزِلبَيْها عُسْفَان أو أَمجَا
9. The bow twanged as the arrows flew
Whistling, equipped with fine feathers
٩. قد أغربَ القينُ في سهامهمُ
راشَ بهُدبٍ ونصَّلَ الدَّعجَا
10. Is this not the same weapon, wrought
By David's hands, which he carefully crafted?
١٠. أليس هذا السلاحُ ويحكُم
أحكَمَ داودُ الذي نَسجَا
11. My tears were water, but turned into blood
Did old age change and renew their nature?
١١. كانت دموعى ماءً فصرنَ دَماً
أأبدل السنُّ شأنَها ودَجَا
12. And the fire in my heart that purifies
Kindled at night by lamps' dispersed flames
١٢. ونار قلبي هي التي طهرت
تُوقدُ في الليل مَفرقى سُرُجا
13. Would that he who strung pearls on
My branch had left the sabja in its place
١٣. ليت الذي نظَّمَ اللالىءَ في
فرعِىَ خَلَّى مكانَها السَّبَجا
14. O turner of night into day, is it not
Time for dawn to turn night to radiant day?
١٤. يا مولجَ الليلِ في النهارِ أما
آن لصبحٍ في الليل أن يَلِجا