1. They said, "Abandon poetry and be content
May God turn his devilry away from you
١. قالوا ذر الشعرَ وكن عائدا
بالله يصرفْ عنك شيطانَهُ
2. Among the people there is ignorance and evil
It is why they belittled its status
٢. في الناس جَهلٌ وبهم شِرَّة
لأجل ذَيْنَ صغَّروا شاَنهُ
3. They did not understand the words or comprehend the
Meaning, nor know its measure
٣. لم يفقهوا اللفظ ولم يفهموا ال
معنَى ولا يَدرون ميزانَهُ
4. So all of them deny its superiority
And all are ignorant of its deficiencies
٤. فكلُّهم يُنكر رُجحانَه
وكلُّهم يجهلُ نقصانَهُ
5. I said, "Is it because there is blindness in them
That the mine does not show its veins?"
٥. قلتُ أمن أجل عمىً فيهمُ
لا يُظهر المعدِنُ عِقيانَهُ
6. They set my tongue to be a shepherd's dog
Barking at what their lambs do not know
٦. هبُوا لسانى راعيا ناعقا
دعا بما تجهلُه ضانَهُ
7. The moon may enchant our hearing
While we do not understand its melodies
٧. قد يُطربُ القُمرىُّ أسماعَنا
ونحن لا نفهم ألحانَهُ