
Oh what misfortune for a people whose eloquence is exalted

أيا بؤس قوم حسان الشخوص

1. Oh what misfortune for a people whose eloquence is exalted
But their natures are filled with the traits of luxury

١. أيا بؤسَ قومٍ حسانِ الشخو
صِ لكن حُشُوا بطباع النَّعَمْ

2. Wealth and fine clothes adorn them in the eyes of fools
The riches and garments of luxury

٢. يزينيهمُ في جفون الغبىِّ
حُلِىُّ الغِنىَ وثياب النِّعَمْ

3. They have bounded us with eloquent prose
Yet they did not appreciate anything but the rhythm

٣. حدوناهمُ بفصيح القريِض
فما استحسنوا منهُ غيرَ النغمْ

4. And what poured into their ears
Was the same, the bleating of goats and baaing of sheep

٤. وكان الذي خاض أسماعَهم
سواءً ونقراتُ زِير وبَمّْ

5. And they made the excuse for depriving us of respon
ding that their clothes kept them from understanding

٥. وقد جعلوا عذَر حرماننا الثَّ
وابَ خلَّوهُمُ من فَهمْ

6. Supposing they were ignorant of what we say
Then where is the generosity and where is the nobility?

٦. وهبْ أنهم جهِلوا ما نقولُ
فأين السخاءُ واينَ الكَرمْ

7. Have our books disgusted them with subtlety?
We are the slaves and we are the servants

٧. أغرَّعمُ كَتبُنا في الرِّقا
عِ نحنُ العبيدُ ونحنُ الخدَمْ

8. And without that, faces are tormented
Eyes are gouged out and skin is shredded

٨. ومن دون ذلك تُشوَى الوجوهُ
وتُقذَى العيونُ ويُفرَى الادَمْ

9. So if they repent with generosity
We will join them with praise as we join ties of kinship

٩. فإن هم أنابوا ببذل النوالِ
وصلنا الثناءَ كوصل الرِحمْ

10. But if they persist in their villainy
We will give their sides to regret

١٠. وإن هم أصرُّوا على لؤمهم
وهبنا ثناياهمُ للندّمْ

11. When they exceed the limit in their prevention
We will shed our shyness and reap the recklessness

١١. إذا جاوزوا الحدّ في منعهم
خلعنا الحياء وجزنا اللَّمَمْ