1. Crowding in my heart are verses though I see
None worthy of them in these times or tribe.
١. تَزاحَمُ في صدرى القوافى ولا أرى
لها مستحقًّا في الزمان ولا أهلا
2. How could I praise a people whose roots
Are twisted, bearing neither fruit nor shade?
٢. وكيف امتداحى معشرا شجرَاتُهم
عَوارٍ فما تُجدِى ثمارا ولا ظِلاَّ
3. Had they excelled in knowledge and shed baseness
I would have praised their virtue and grace.
٣. فلو شَرُفوا بالعلم واطرحوا الندى
تأولتُ فيهم أننى أمدح الفضلا
4. Had they abandoned morals keeping aloof
I would have praised their generosity and munificence.
٤. ولو تركوا الآدابَ عنهم بمعزلٍ
وجادوا لقلت أمدحُ الجود والبذلا
5. But they have strayed from this and that
So I do not see how to praise ignorance and stinginess.
٥. ولكنهم عن ذا وذاك تزحزحوا
فلم أرَ أنى أمدحُ الجهلَ والبخلا