
I looked, desiring only my cure,

نظرت ولم أبغ إلا شفائي

1. I looked, desiring only my cure,
So I treated sickness with stubborn medicine.

١. نظرتُ ولم أبغ إلا شفائي
فداويتُ سُقما بداءٍ عَياءِ

2. She appeared, and her veil was her palms,
To eyes made sore with weeping.

٢. تراءت وبرقُعها كفُّها
لعينٍ مبرقَعةٍ بالبكاءِ

3. So she was an allurement that weakened us
With the beauty of that covered and the beauty of the covering.

٣. فكانت لنا فتنةً ضوعفت
بحسن المغطَّى وحسنِ الغِطاءِ

4. She says, when I blamed her in the wilderness:
"Can the sun rest anywhere but the sky?"

٤. تقول وقد لُمتُها في البعا
دِ هل تسكن الشمسُ غيرَ السماءِ

5. And he did not cease to insult me, and if you see
Men's hearts as stubborn as women's...

٥. وما زال تَسبى وما إن ترا
كَ قلوبَ الرجال جسومُ النساءِ

6. And I continued to grieve more than they,
So patience taught me through prolonged estrangement.

٦. وما زلتُ أجزَع من بينهم
فعلَّمنى الصبرَ طولُ الجفاءِ

7. And I am, due to the calamities of love,
Bent double like the canal of the bend.

٧. وإنّىَ من لاعجاتِ الهوى
على مثل صدرِ القناة انثنائى

8. I fast while your water is not for the roses,
And I live while your fire is not for warmth.

٨. أصومُ وما ماؤكم للورودِ
وأعشو وما ناركُم للصِّلاءِ

9. Who is deceived is deceived by a mirage
And is deluded by a false lightning flash.

٩. ومن يَصْدَ يخدعْه السرابِ
ويَغرُرْهُ خُلَّب برقٍ خَواءِ

10. But to God is our stance and our reproaching
Where shame blooms on the cheek like a rose.

١٠. ولله موقفُنا والعتا
بُ يُنبتُ في الخدِّ وَردَ الحياءِ

11. Beauty has poured in it a copious torrent
To which the teary eyes flock.

١١. وقد أترع الحسنُ فيه غديرا
إليه ورود العيون الظمِّاءِ

12. My gaze follows the stars' paths;
Mayhap they will lift the veil of bashfulness.

١٢. وطَرِفىَ يتبعُ هُوج الرياحِ
عساهنَّ يرفعن سِجْفَ الحِباءِ

13. You saunter with your body atop the mounts
And toss away your heart among the wolves!

١٣. أتنجو بجسمِك فوق الركاب
وتنِبذُ قلبَك بين الظِّباءِ

14. My covenant with you bearing it cannot be denied
By any subtle interpretation or firm obligation.

١٤. وعهدى بحملك لا يُستطار
برسمٍ مُحيلٍ وربعٍ قَواءِ

15. I turned away from a shining sword with fever,
And turned away from kohl with sty.

١٥. تَلَفَّتُ عن لَعَسٍ بالحمى
وتُعرِضُ عن كَحَلٍ بالجِواءِ

16. And were it not for the treason of the color of virginity,
I would have sold the bonds of love at a high price!

١٦. ولولا خيانة لونِ العذارِ
لبعت عُلوق الهوى بالغلاءِ

17. And how many nights have I drawn the youths
To my chest as I draw my cloak.

١٧. وربَّ ليالٍ سحبتُ الشبابَ
بأعطافهنَّ كسَحْبى ردائي

18. Had I control of my affair, I'd buy
That darkness with this illumination!

١٨. فلو كنتُ أملِك أمرى اشتري
تُ ذاك الظلامَ بهذا الضياءِ

19. And they said: "You have reached the prime of youth,
And whoever does not grow old will not attain survival."

١٩. وقالوا أصبتَ بعصرِ الصَّبا
ومن لم يشِبْ لم يفُز بالبقاءِ

20. And the source of glory springs up only from
The sides of a tall, smooth-bodied mare.

٢٠. وما منِبتُ العزّ إلآ ظهورُ
نواعجَ منعَلةٍ بالنَّجاءِ

21. Who lag behind me in the house of disgrace,
Restless there and stumbling in slowness.

٢١. يخلَّفن خلِفىَ دارَ الهوان
مُناخا ومضْطَرَبا للبِطاءِ

22. I fled with my honor from those you see
Of the hypocrites to the firm ones.

٢٢. أفرُّ بعرضِىَ عمّن ترى
من النافقاءِ إلى القاصِعاءِ

23. And were it not for the noble chieftain
The promise would not have walked the roads of loyalty.

٢٣. ولستُ وإن كنتُ ربَّ القريضِ
كمن يستجيب القِرى بالعُواءِ

24. But through the generosity of my father Qasim
Glories were lived after decay.

٢٤. عدمتُ مَعاشرَ لا يفرِقو
ن بين الصّهيِل وبين الرُّغاءِ

25. He is of manifest lineage in the high pursuits,
While others in pretense are counted.

٢٥. إذا صافحتنى أكفُّ اللئامِ
لطمتُ بهن خَدودَ الرجاءِ

26. His bounties shine resplendent,
And through him the heights of loftiness gape wide.

٢٦. وقِدما عصرتُ وجوهَ الرجالِ
فلم أر فيهنَّ وجها بماءِ

27. Eyes roam when they discern him
In the garden of his grace and plentiful watering.

٢٧. ولولا الجنابُ الزعيمىُّ ما
مشىَ الوعدُ في طُرُقاتِ الوفاءِ

28. If you scent his lightning then attachment-
Yearning shines like the gleam of illumination.

٢٨. ولكن بجود أبي قاسمٍ
عُمرنَ المكارمَ بعد العفاءِ

29. That people were imprinted with dew
Upon the path of the constant downpour.

٢٩. له في المعالي انتساب الصريحِ
إذا غيرهُ عُدّ في الأدعياءِ

30. He counts providing the means of praise
With abundant gifts as alchemy.

٣٠. أغرّ تضىء به المكرماتُ
وتفترُّ عنه ثغورُ العَلاءِ

31. His hands pour without sieving
When the scum seeks the strainer of the cupbearer.

٣١. وترعَى العيونُ إذا لاحظتْ
هُ في روِض رونِقهِ والرُّواءِ

32. He quivers at the wafting of a request
As the litters quiver with the hired camel-drivers.

٣٢. إذا شِمتَ بارقَه فالتِّلا
عُ تشرق مثلَ حلوق الإضاءِ

33. So his glories are like a watering place,
And the tone of his asker like warbling.

٣٣. من القومِ قد طُبعوا في الندى
على سِكّة الغادياتِ الرِّواءِ

34. Created from excellent stock molded
With the incense of praise added to it.

٣٤. يَعُدُّ ابتياعَ بسيرِ الثناء
بجزل العطاء من الكيمياءِ

35. You’d think the wine and the clear
Sky-blue drink are pressed of their scent and clarity.

٣٥. تدِرّ يداه بلا حالبٍ
إذا التَمس الزُّبدَ مخضُ السِّقاءِ

36. As if the knotting of kinship ties with him
Were upon a withering or a ruin.

٣٦. ويهتزُّ عند هبوبِ السؤال اه
تزازَ الأراكةِ بالجِريباءِ

37. They meet misfortunes when he tries them
With ample room and a capacious breast,

٣٧. فتُضحِى مكارمُه كالمطىّ
ونغْمةُ سائله كالحُداءِ

38. And resolve as the whirlwinds solidified in air
Poured into the atmosphere.

٣٨. خلائقُ من مندلٍ مُثِّلتْ
وزِيدَ عليها بَخورُ الثَّناءِ

39. You see in him resolve, discretion,
Wisdom united in one vessel.

٣٩. يكاد المدامُ وصفوُ الغما
مِ يُعصَر من طِيبها والصفاءِ

40. Nothing captivates the eye like a man
Who contends with him in splendor.

٤٠. كأنّ الحُبَى يومَ تَعقادِها
عليه على يذبُلٍ أو حِراءِ

41. In him are proofs that have grown insolent
Of the two testifiers testifying to him in song.

٤١. يلاقى الخطوبَ إذا مارستْه
بباعٍ رحيبٍ وصدرٍ فضاءِ

42. In the blade's gleam the onlookers find
Evidence of its sharpness and polish.

٤٢. وعزمٍ كما صفَّقت بالجَنا
ح شَغواءُ مصبوبةٌ في الهواءِ

43. The ransom might be paid before flight
And the race might be judged before contention.

٤٣. تراه فتنظرُ عزما وحزما
وحلما قد ائتلفتْ في وِعاءِ

44. Nor does the caravan's desire guide them,
Your brilliance in a standard or flag.

٤٤. وما أسرَ الطَّرفَ مثلُ امرىء
يبارزُ لامِحَه بالبهاءِ

45. Goodness to you belongs, from one saying and doing,
Who built the highest edifice with glories.

٤٥. عليه شواهدُ منه اغتدتْ
عن الشاهدينِ له في غَناءِ

46. You vowed, should you attain grand affairs,
That you would not be adorned with arrogance.

٤٦. وفي رونق السيف للناظرين
دليلٌ على حدّه والمَضاءِ

47. So had your soul been granted all it desired
You'd not have increased it beyond this loftiness.

٤٧. وقد يُفرفُ العِتقُ قبلَ الفرار
ويُحكَم بالسَّبق قبلَ الجِراءِ

48. In everything we found disagreement,
Yet in you we saw no contention for them.

٤٨. وما رغبة الركب يهديهمُ
ضياؤك في رايةٍ أو لواءِ

49. Therefore sincere devotion inclined to you
Until it halted at this courtyard.

٤٩. لك الخيرُ من قائلٍ فاعلٍ
بنَى بالمكارمِ أعلىَ بِناءِ

50. Without you it would be like a swing
Swaying between dawn and evening:

٥٠. نذرتَ إذا نلتَ هامَ الأمو
ر أن لا تُوشَّح بالكِبرياءِ

51. If the north star ties it, the sun of the Haba'
Tears it; if the sun ties it, the north star tears it.

٥١. فلو رِزقُ نفسِك أمسى إليك
لما زدتَها فوق هذا السَّناءِ

52. And how many yearnings I have in Baghdad
Asking about your quarters - what are my lodgings?

٥٢. ففي كلّ شيء وجدنا مِراءً
ولم نر فيك لهم من مِراءِ

53. I said: a resident who fulfills wishes
And unites wealth with song.

٥٣. لذلك حنَّت ٌَلوصى إلي
ك حتّى أناخت بهذا الفِناءِ

54. With a magnificent man whose buckets in the sky
Follow his hand in the showers.

٥٤. ولولاك كانت كأُرجوحةٍ
تَقلقَلُ بين الضّحَى والمَساءِ

55. When the pens compete, his palms
Suffice over both, wading into blood.

٥٥. إذا زمَّها نجمُ ذا بالشُّعا
ع تخطُّمها شمسُ ذا بالهَباءِ

56. The leaders called him "chieftain" through him,
And that was from their severity and peace.

٥٦. وكم لي ببغدادَ من كاشح
يسائل في ربعكم ما ثَوائىّ

57. After trials they praised his traits
And praise comes after tribulation.

٥٧. فقلت مقيمٌ يجيبُ المنَى
ويجمع بين الغِنى والغَناءِ

58. May God water your house with the water of bliss
And embroider it with the gardens of splendor!

٥٨. لدى ماجدٍ دلُوه في السما
حِ تتْبعُها يدُه في الرَّشاءِ

59. May cups of joy always circle around you,
Drawing from plentiful meadows.

٥٩. إذا خاصت النِّقسَ أقلامهُ
كَفَيْن الذوابلَ خوضَ الدّماءِ

60. You were congratulated for feast and festival,
Both prospered by one greeting with delight.

٦٠. دعا الرؤساءُ زعيماً به
فكان لشدّتهم والرَّخاءِ

61. We found them to be as you love
And as you desire with sincerity of prayer.

٦١. وبعدَ التجارب قد أحمَدوا
سجاياه والحمدُ بعد البلاءِ

٦٢. سقَى اللهُ دارَك ماءَ النعيم
وطرَّزها برياض البهاءِ

٦٣. ودارت عليك كئوسُ السرو
ر يَغرِفنَ من مُترَعاتٍ مِلاءِ

٦٤. وهُنئتَ بالعيدِ والمِهرجانِ
وسعدُهما سائقٌ بالهناءِ

٦٥. وجَدناهما فَعَلا ما تحبُّ
وما تبتغي بخُلوصِ الدُّعاءِ