1. Has not the time come for the heart of an ardent lover to be sated,
While tears flow from his eyelids though he thirsts?
١. ألَم يأنِ أَن يَروى فؤادُ مُتَيَّمٍ
تفيضُ مَاقي جَفنهِ وَهوَ يَظمَأُ
2. An eye has struck him that sheathed the blade of his connection,
And the heart of passion is what was once a protected heart.
٢. أصابَتهُ عَينٌ أغمَدَت نَصلَ وَصلِهِ
وقَلبُ الهَوي مَن كانَ قَلبٌ مُرَزَّأ
3. I love a beloved I do not name out of awe,
And hiding passion is more painful for the heart.
٣. أُحِبُّ حَبيبا لا أُسَمَّيهِ هَيبَةً
وَكتمُ الهَوى للقَلبِ أنكى وأنكأُ
4. I am jealous of my love for him, so how can I not
Be jealous of anyone else and declare innocent?
٤. أغارُ عَليهِ مِن هَوايَ وكيفَ لا
أغارُ عَلَيهِ مِن سَوايَ وأبرَأُ
5. I stay up suffering from the heat of my sides,
And between my eyelids is a tear that does not dry.
٥. أَبِيتُ أُعاني فيهِ حَرَّ جَوانِحِي
وَبينَ جُفُوني مَدمَعٌ لَيسَ يَرقأُ
6. I see him in my heart every day and night,
Even though I am deprived of the visitation of union.
٦. أراهُ بقَلبٍ كُلَّ يَومٍ ولَيلَةٍ
وإن كنتُ عَن وِردِ الوِصالِ أُحَلأُ
7. A letter came to me from him. I stood up for his right
And here I am, crying as much as I was able and reading.
٧. أتَانِي كِتابٌ مِنهُ قُمتُ بِحَقِّهِ
فَها أنَا أبكي مَا استَطَعتُ وأقرأُ
8. O he whose love took hold of my hearing and sight
And my heart - what refuge and sanctuary do I have from him?
٨. أيا مَن هَواهُ حَلَّ سَمعِي ونَاظِري
وَقَلبي فَمالي مِنهُ مَنجَىً ومَلجَأُ
9. Help me with a single day of meeting you
For I will be satisfied with a day of meeting you.
٩. أَغِثني بِيَومٍ مِن لقائِكَ واحدٍ
فإنّي بيومٍ من لقائِكَ أجزَأُ
10. I console myself from you with connection and consent,
And who can grant me that, which is blissful prosperity?
١٠. أُعلِّلُ نَفسي مِنكَ بالوَصلِ والرِّضَا
ومَن لي بهِ وَهوَ النَّعيمُ المُهَنَّأُ