
Do not be deceived by an outward show,

لا يخدعنك ظاهر من باطن

1. Do not be deceived by an outward show,
Until proof verifies it for you.

١. لا يخدعنَّك ظاهرٌ من باطنٍ
حتى يصدّقه لك البرهان

2. How many an outward appearance has seduced,
While it is false and fabricated.

٢. كم ظاهر قد غرّ وهو مزورٌ
ولربّما خدع القلوب لسان

3. The example of Joseph's brothers is an admonition,
If you understand, O human being.

٣. وقضيةُ الأسباطِ فيها عبرةٌ
إن كنت تفهم أيّها الإِنسان

4. They shed blood on the shirt, and demanded
Revenge on a wolf that committed no aggression.

٤. سفكوا دماً فوق القميص وطالبوا
بالثأر ذئباً ما له عدوان

5. They wept at night so their words would be confirmed,
While the truth accepts its light into minds.

٥. وبكوا عشاءً كي يصحَّ مقالُهُم
والحقُّ تقبل نوره الأذهان

6. The heart of Jacob denied their words,
For eating is doubtful, while blood is clear evidence.

٦. وفؤاد يعقوب يكذِّبُ قولهم
فالأكل شكٌ والدماء عيان

How can the branch be sound when its origin is corrupt?

٧. أنى يصحّ الفرع ينكر أصله
ما للمحال بحاله إمكانه

8. The impossible has no possibility in any case.
If they were zealous about the blood on the shirt, perhaps

٨. إن عنونوا بدم القميص فربّما
صحّ الكتاب وأخطأ العنوان

9. The book was right but the title page was wrong.
Treachery is the trait of souls, so do not trust

٩. فالغدر من شيم النفوس فلا تثق
إلاّ بنفسك فالأمين يُخَان

10. Anyone but yourself, for even the trusted can betray.
Deal with resolute rationale more than what you see.

١٠. عامل بحزم الرأي أكثر من ترى
فأبو فلان في الخداع فلان

11. For the deception of so-and-so is more than the deception of so-and-so.
If you obtain a God-fearing man, then be content with him.

١١. وإذا ظفرت بمُتَّقٍ فاقنع به
يكفيك من أحفائك الإِنسان

12. It is enough, of your companions, for a human being.
If one you trusted appears with an accusation,

١٢. من جاء في البهتان منه بشبهة
بَطُلَت لديه وأُثبِتَ البهتان

13. It is invalidated for you, while the accusation stands.
The word of the wolf Joseph proved his innocence.

١٣. أبدى براءة ذئب يوسف نطقَهُ
ما بعد ابراءِ البيان بيان

14. No eloquence surpasses the eloquence of proof.
If that wolf had eaten Joseph,

١٤. لو كان ذاك الذّئب آكل يوسف
في برده لم تسلم الأردان