
I concealed my love until its traits appeared,

كتمت الهوى حتى تبدت سماته

1. I concealed my love until its traits appeared,
So a love was realized that was in the realm of doubt.

١. كَتمتُ الهَوىَ حتَّى تَبَدَّت سِمَاتُهُ
فَحُقِّقَ حُبٌّ كانَ في حَيِّزِ الشَّكِّ

2. I kohled my eyelids in sleeplessness as punishment
For a secret seen between tossing and pouring.

٢. كَحَلتُ جُفُونِي بالسُّهادِ عُقوبَةً
لِسِرٍّ يُرَى بَينَ التَّقلُّبِ والسَّفكِ

3. I was burdened with a love I do not call it for fear
And a seal does not prevent the fragrance of musk.

٣. كَلِفتُ بِحِبٍّ لا أسَمِّيهِ هَيبَةً
وَليسَ يَصُدَّ الخَتمُ عَن عَبَقِ المسكِ

4. I was jealous for the beloved with another in jealousy
While my heart is innocent in his love of partnership.

٤. كَنَيتُ عَنِ المَحبُوبِ بالغَيرِ غَيرةً
وَقَلبي بَرِيءٌ في هَوَاهُ مِنَ الشِّركِ

5. It is great upon my heart and sweet upon my mouth
So I cannot be separated from my love and my mention.

٥. كَبِيرٌ عَلَى قَلبِي وَحُلؤٌ علَى فَمِي
فَما أنَا مِن حُبِّي وذِكري بمُنفَكِّ

6. Yearning in his closeness pained me, fearing his absence
And after unity nothing is more woeful than abandonment.

٦. كَسَانِي الضَّنَى فِي قُربهِ خَوفَ بُعدِهِ
ولا شيء بَعدَ الوَصلِ أنكى مِنَ التَّركِ

7. In both my states, this love is a state of bliss
So to me it is equal when I laugh or when I cry.

٧. كِلا حَالتي هَذَا الهوَى حَالُ لَذَّةٍ
فَسِيَّانِ عِندِي حِينَ أضحَكُ أو أبكِي

8. It is enough of sorrow that I am a prisoner of youth
And I have no hope in ransom or in release.

٨. كَفى حَزَناً أنِّي أَسِيرُ صَبابَةٍ
ولا طَمَعٌ لي في فِداءٍ وَفي فَكِّ

9. I uncovered the veil of the heart from what was behind it
And I saw a sea that cannot be crossed by ships.

٩. كشَفتُ حِجابَ القًلبِ عَمَّا وَراءَهُ
فَعَايَنتُ بَحراً لَيسَ يُعبَرُ بالفُلكِ

10. The perfection of wish, if you desire wish
Is when the owned perishes in the owner of the kingdom.

١٠. كمالُ المُنَى إن كُنتَ تَرغَبُ في المُنى
إذا فَنِيَ المَملُوكُ في مالِكِ الملُكِ