
O envier of blessings in others,

يا حاسد النعمة في غيره

1. O envier of blessings in others,
And going astray in your ignorance,

١. يا حاسدَ النّعمةِ في غيره
وذاهباً في الغبى من مذهبِهِ

2. You are in the sea of generosity,
Yet you envy the poor in their sins,

٢. بحرُ العطايا أنت في لجّهِ
وتحسدُ المسكين في مذنبه

3. The moon has guided your eyelids in the darkness of night,
Yet you do not glance at its orb,

٣. وقد هدى جفنك بدرُ الدُّجى
وأنت لا تطرف عن كوكبه

4. You envy him in all his states,
And add more than his gains,

٤. تحسده في كلِّ أحواله
وربما زدت على مكسبه

5. In his eating of goodness, his drinking,
His wearing of bounty, his riding,

٥. في أكله الطَّيب في شربه
في لبسه النعم في مركبه

6. O sleeper who envies his brothers,
God has preferred them, so wake up,

٦. يا نائماً يحسد إخوانه
الله قد فضّلهم فانتبه

7. Look with the eye of thought at this and that,
Customs of truth are not like the ambiguous,

٧. انظر بعين الفكر في ذا وذا
ما سَنَنُ التحقيق بالمشتبه

8. Your state does not remain, nor does his,
How near is the thirsty to his drink,

٨. حالُكَ لا تبقى ولا حالُهُ
ما أقرَبَ الظامىء من مشربه

9. And the moon, though you like its radiance,
It pains you in its setting,

٩. والبدرُ إن راقك إشراقُهُ
فإنه يشجيك في مغربه

10. Do not accompany one with envy, for it
Is the first sin disobeying God.

١٠. لا تصحَبَن ذا حسدٍ إنَّه
أولُ ذنبٍ عُصِيَ الله به