
God denounced the atheists

قبح الإله الملحدين

1. God denounced the atheists
For they denied the necessity

١. قَبَحَ الإلهُ الملحدي
ن فإنهم جحدوا الضروره

2. And the miracles were widely transmitted
About Ahmad in every form

٢. والمعجزات تواترت
عن أحمد في كلِّ صوره

3. And God is the highest of His Kaaba
In His creation and perfected His light

٣. والله أعلى كعبه
في خلقه وأتمَّ نوره

4. Food became abundant with the rainfall
In times of need

٤. كثر الطعام مع الشرا
ب بكفه عند الضروره

5. And was cloaked by the care
From his Lord that exalted his affairs

٥. وتكنَّفته عناية
من ربه أعلت أموره

6. He called out in the wilderness, so hearts
Responded to his call, their palaces

٦. نادى البرية فالقلو
ب إلى إجابته قصوره

7. And protected the law with evidence
So leave its deniers and their lies

٧. وحمى الشريعة بالدلي
ل فدع معاندها وزوره

8. Say to the skeptic when he shows
The shortcomings of his doubts

٨. قل للمشكّك حين يب
دي في تشكُّكِهِ قصوره

9. Between me and you is the Book
So present to me its like if you are truthful

٩. بيني وبينكمُ الكتا
ب فدونكم فأتوا بسوره