
O Master of Messengers, exalted is his station,

يا سيد الرسل المكين مكانه

1. O Master of Messengers, exalted is his station,
The foremost whose time has passed,

١. يا سيّد الرُّسل المكينَ مكانُه
ومقدّم وهو الأخيسرُ زمانُهُ

2. The Chosen One from all creation,
His rank is most high and sublime.

٢. والمصطفى المختار من هذا الورى
فمحلُّه عالي المحلِّ وشأنهُ

3. Of prophethood, purity and guidance,
Honor filled his heart and tongue.

٣. ومن النُّبُوةِ والطهارة والهدى
شرفٌ حواه فؤادُهُ ولسانُهُ

4. The seal of prophets and their crown,
The seal completes the crown's perfection.

٤. عنوانُ طِرسِ الأنبياءِ وخَتمُهُ
والطرس يُكمِلُ حُسنَهُ عنوانُهُ

5. Eternity's horizon dawned with Ahmad,
Creation's eyelid blinked open with Ahmad.

٥. فالدهرُ أفقٌ أحمد أصباحه
والخلق جَفنٌ أحمد انسانه

6. Your servant calls you though sins deter him,
Yearning inflames his heart with its fires.

٦. نداك عبدٌ أخَّرتهُ ذنوبُهُ
والشوق تلفح قلبه نيرانه

7. The righteous hastened to you on pilgrimage,
While the sinner restrained himself in shame.

٧. وَفَدَت عليك ركابُ أربابِ التُّقى
والمذنبُ الخطَّاء كُفَّ عنانه

8. When the hesitant hesitated from his sins,
Among sinners, though honored is his station.

٨. لمّا تخلف للتخلّف مذنبا
في المذنبين وعزّه أمكانه

9. He wrote this ode hoping that if
His gaze cannot reach your grave, his words might.

٩. كَتَبَ الكتابَ لعلَّه إن لم يَزُر
باللَّحظِ قَبرَكَ ان يزور بنانُه

10. Behind my ribs is a heart imprisoned
By the shackles of misdeeds and sorrows.

١٠. ووراء أضلاعي فؤاد قيدُهُ
إلفُ الذنوب وسجنه أشجانه

11. But your love intercedes and advocates,
Sheltering your loving servant safe and secure.

١١. لكن حبّك شافع ومشفع
يغشي محبّك يمنه وأمانه

12. Greetings upon you, best of mankind,
Like a meadow greeting the breeze with its blooms.

١٢. وعليك يا خير الأنام تحية
كالروض صافح روحه ريحانه

13. From one who visits you in word and deed
Since his body failed to visit for its sins.

١٣. ممن يزورك خطّه وكلامه
إذ لم يزرك لذنبه جثمانه