
I have drunk the cups of love continuously, yet I have no inclination for the spray of union, nor rapture.

شربت كؤوس الحب صرفا وليس لي

1. I have drunk the cups of love continuously, yet I have no inclination for the spray of union, nor rapture.
The witnesses of my love are between my eyelids and my sight, so that a tear dictates to me and a sigh awakens me.

١. شَرِبتُ كُؤوسَ الحُبِّ صِرفاً وَليسَ لي
مِزَاجُ رَذاذٍ للوِصَالِ ولا طَشِّ

2. I was infatuated with a beloved I pine for the mention of, at the height of affliction, so I am healed but do not divulge.
My remedy is in his mirror, and death is below it, and there is no avoiding danger in the coat of mail.

٢. شُواهِدُ حُبِّي بَينَ جَفنَيَّ والحَشَا
فَمِن عَبرَةٍ تُملِي ومن زَفرَةٍ تُنشِي

3. I split for him my heart, my wrap, and my sight, out of passion, but after that who will pay me blood money?
I complained to him of ardour so I drew a draught, but this reminded me, finer than potsherds.

٣. شُغِفتُ بِمَحبُوبٍ أضَنُّ بِذِكرِهِ
عَلى غَايَةِ البَلوَى فَأشفِي ولا أفشٍِي

4. His love is my banner and his cloak is like it. So here I am, bitten, fleeing to a bite.
Powerful on my heart is the absence of love, and the board has no means of erasing the inscription.

٤. شَفائيَ فِي مَرآهُ والمَوتُ دُونَهُ
ولا بُدَّ في الدِّرياقِ مِن خَطَرِ الرُّقشِ

5. I occupied my soul and the tongue with his mention, so I cannot forget him, even if I were in the bier.
I hated my life, and life is sweet, if the loved one is absent, so there is no good in living.

٥. شَقققتُ عليهِ القَلبَ والخِلبَ والحَشا
غَراماً ومَن لِي بَعد ذَلِكَ بالأرشِ