
A sign of love appeared, I hastened towards it

بدا علم للحب يممت نحوه

1. A sign of love appeared, I hastened towards it
I did not turn back until I risked my heart with it

١. بَدا عَلَمٌ للحُبِّ يَمَّمتُ نَحوَهُ
فَلَم أنقَلِب حَتَّى احتَسَبتُ بهِ قَلبِي

2. I tested passion before passion, so I found it
A captivity without release, an illness without cure

٢. بَلَوتُ الهَوى قَبلَ الهوى فَوجَدتُهُ
إسَاراً بلا فَكٍّ سَقَاماً بلا طُبِّ

3. In my soul a beloved I do not profess his name
And every lover, he intimates instead of love

٣. بنَفسِي حَبيبٌ لا أُصَرِّحُ باسمِهِ
وَكُلُّ مُحِبٍّ فهو يَكنِي عَنِ الحِبِّ

4. His love overwhelmed me openly after hidden
So my body without spirit, and my heart without kernel

٤. بَرَاني هَواهُ ظَاهِراً بَعدَ باطنٍ
فجِسمي بلا رُوحٍ وقَلبي بلا لُبِّ

5. With your love, do I have hope in meeting you?
For I am, from missing you, in suffering to suffering

٥. بِحُبِّكً هَل لِي في لِقَائكَ مَطمَعٌ
فإنِّيَ مِن كَرب عَلَيكَ إلَى كَربِ

6. In every way to you, I have an intention
As if after you, with the days, I am in war

٦. بكُلِّ طَرِيقٍ لي إليكَ مَنِيَّةٌ
كأنّي مَعَ الأيَّامِ بَعدَكَ في حَربِ

7. I cried, so they said you are lamenting with love
I was silent, so they said you are devoid of love

٧. بكَيتُ فَقَالُوا أنتَ بالحُبِّ بَائحٌ
صَمَتُّ فقالوا أنتَ خِلوٌُ مِنَ الحُبِّ

8. Lightnings of union flashed, so I smelled them
Oh remoteness, remoteness, the time of nearness has come near

٨. بَوارِقُ لاحَت للوصَالِ فَشِمتُها
فيا بُعدُ بُعداً قَد دَنَا زَمَنُ القُربِ

9. I remained, does the agony of burning passion remain
The passions toss it from side to side

٩. بقيتُ فَهَل يَبقَى صُبابَةُ لوعةٍ
تُقلّبهُ الأشواقُ جَنباً إلى جَنبِ

10. I attained wishes from the one I love with his love
And the worshipped must have the mercy of the worshipper

١٠. بَلَغتُ المُنى مِمَّن أحِبُّ بِحُبهِ
ولا بُدَّ للمَربُوبِ مِن رَحمَةِ الرَّبِّ