
As the compass of emotions revolves,

وأدور مياس العواطف أصبحت

1. As the compass of emotions revolves,
His virtues in people become like the genus in the species;

١. وأدورَ ميَّاسِ العواطف أصبحت
محاسنه في الناس كالنَّوع في الجنس

2. His fingers move across the paper
Grasping the most obscure lines in the gentlest touch.

٢. يدير على القرطاس أنمل كفه
فيدرك أخفى الخطِّ في أيسر اللمس

3. One group said it was the magic of Babylon in him,
Another group said this was not of human making.

٣. فقال فريق سحر بابل عنده
وقال فريق ليس هذا من الإِنس

4. I said to them you did not understand the secret of his grasp
For the mind is clearer than the sun.

٤. فقلت لهم لم تفهموا سرَّ دركه
على أنه للعقل أجلى من الشَّمس

5. The youth whose palm encompassed hearts, so they became
Understandings blinking at his five fingers.

٥. فتى كفه جب القلوب فأصبحت
مداركها أجفان أنمله الخمس