
I remembered you and my heart found rest, refreshed,

ذكرتك فارتاح الفؤاد صبابة

1. I remembered you and my heart found rest, refreshed,
Yearning for you though I have no means of reaching you,

١. ذَكَرتُكَ فَارتاحَ الفُؤَادُ صَبابَةً
إليكَ وَمَا لِي مِن إسَارِكَ مُنقِذُ

2. I was disturbed by the loss of union and its pain,
A disturbance from which there is no protection,

٢. ذُعِرتُ لِفُقدانِ الوِصَالِ بِضُرِّهِ
وذلكَ ذُعرٌ لَيسَ منهُ تَعَوُّذُ

3. My tears pouring down the path of passion
While my heart is thrown into the fires of freshness,

٣. ذَمائِيَ مَسفُوحٌ بمَدرَجَةِ الهَوى
وقَلبي بنِيرانِ الصَّبَابَةِ يُنبَذُ

4. The overflow of my tears tinged with blood,
Nothing else but my lacerated heart,

٤. ذَوارِفُ دَمعِي بالدِّماءِ مَشوبَةٌ
وَماذَاكَ إلاَّ أنَّ قَلبِي مُجَذَذُ

5. I became heedless of solace and love is a calamity
Silk is confused by it and strongly pulled,

٥. ذهَلتُ عن السُّلوانِ والحُبُّ آفَةٌ
يحَارُ بها النِّحرِيرُ وَهوَ مُجَبَذُ

6. It left me so I did not expose my love,
But the arrows of love pierced my heart and settled,

٦. ذَرَاني فَمِا عَرَّضتُ للحُبِّ مُهجَتي
وَلَكن سِهَامُ الحُبِّ في القَلبِ نُفَّذُ

7. The flowers of pleasures have withered in you refreshed
As if the dripping of sap were extracted from it,

٧. ذوى زَهَرُ اللَّذَّاتِ فِيكَ صَبابَةٌ
كأنَّ انسِكابَ المُزن مِنهُ مُؤَخَّذُ

8. The flies of sorrow glittering inside my chest
With no outlet from it for my heart,

٨. ذُبابُ الأسَى بَينَ الجَوانحِ لامِعٌ
وَلَيسَ لِقَلبِي مِن عِذارَيهِ مَنفَذُ

9. I yielded to a beloved who has all my heart
And in my humiliation, I find delight,

٩. ذَلَلتُ لِمَحبُوبٍ هُوَ القَلبُ كلُّهُ
عَلَى أنَّنِي فِي ذِلَّتي أتَلَذَّذُ

10. Your reins are protected and your right is obligatory
Your rule predetermined and you are the executor.

١٠. ذِمَامُكَ مَحفُوظٌ وَحَقُّكَ واجبٌ
وَحكمُكَ مَحتُوم وأنتَ المُنَفِّذٌُ