1. My tears revealed the secret of my heart impetuously,
Establishing a description that had before been denied.
١. فَضَحتُ بِدَمعِي سِرَّ قَلبي صَبَابَةً
فأثَبتُّ وَصفاً كانَ مِن قَبلِهِ يُنفَى
2. An intelligent heart whose breath does not surrender passion,
And an overflowing eyelid whose breath does not surrender tears.
٢. فُؤادٌ ذَكِيُّ النَّفحِ لا يُسلِمُ الجَوى
وجَفنٌ وَجيٌّ النَّفخِ لا يُسلِمُالَّذَّرفا
3. I was created with a heart like this, with passion.
My love does not appear and my love does not hide.
٣. فُطِرتُ عَلى مِثلِ الفُؤادِ مَع الهوى
فَحِبِّيَ لا يَبدُو وحُبِّيَ لا يَخفى
4. I perished and I knew nothing but the ecstasy that gave me sorrow,
And I died and I knew nothing but the separation that gave me demise.
٤. فَنِيتُ وما أدري سوى الوجدِ لي ضَنىً
وَمِتُّ وما أدري سِوى البُعدِ لي حَتفا
5. So here I stand between despair and hope,
Turning my eyes neither forward nor backward.
٥. فَها أنا وَقفاً بينَ آسيَ والرَّجا
أُقَلِّبُ طَرفي لا أماماً ولا خَلفَا
6. I cry out when I feel the presence of love,
And if it is absent, my tongue does not speak a word.
٦. فَصيحٌ إذا آنستُ للحُبِّ حَضرةًُ
فإن غابَ لم يَنطِق لِسَانِي ولا حَرفا
7. I lost you, but remembering you gives me consolation,
And he who loses the described does not lose the description.
٧. فَقَدتُكَ لَكِن لِي بِذِكرِكَ سَلوَةٌ
ومَن فَقَد المَوصُوفَ لَم يَفقِدِ الوَصفَا
8. Every road to you conveys me,
And though I return, I seek the purest spring.
٨. فَكُلُّ طَريقٍ لِي إليكَ مُبَلِّغٌ
وَرَدتُ وَلَكن أطلُبُ المَوردَ الأصفى
9. Increase me in the passion and impetuosity that is in me,
Making me savor it all the more, the more it makes me weak.
٩. فَزِدني لِمَا بِي مِن هَوىً وصَبابةٍ
تَزِدني التِذَاذَاً كُلَّما زِدَتَني ضَعفا
10. Were it not for you, I would not harbor any love or passion,
And were it not for you, I would not suffer any darkness or light.
١٠. فَلَولاكَ لَم أُضمِر غَراماً ولا هوىً
ولولاكَ لَم أشكُ اكتِتَاماً ولا كَشفا