1. The rose of love was purified for me until I attained it,
So I became immersed in it, breathing it in.
١. صَفَا لِيَ وِردُ الحُبِّ حَتَّى وَرَدتُهُ
فأصبَحتُ فيهِ بالتَّنسُّمِ مُغتصَّا
2. I prayed with the fire of passion for the love of my master,
His incentives of love for lovers cannot be counted.
٢. صَلَيتُ بِنَارِ الوَجدِ في حُبِّ سَيِّدٍ
دوَاعِي هَوَاهُ للمُحبِّينَ لا تُحصَى
3. The little of his love in my heart is a wish,
So what of the thought if he fully grants longevity?
٣. صَغيرُ هَواهُ في الفُؤادِ مَنِيَّةٌ
فما الظَّنُّ إن أوفى عَلَى الأمَدِ الأقصى
4. I dyed my tears with blood, because I
Asked but was not given a single grasp or release.
٤. صَبَغتُ دُمُوعِي بالدِّماءِ لأنَّني
سَأَلتُ فما مُلِّكتُ قَبضاً ولا قَبصا
5. I was true to you with absolute affection, yet you accused me,
And my clear state with you has reached advice.
٥. صَدَقتُكَ مَحضَ الوُدِّ ثمّ اتَّهمتَني
وظاهِرُ حَالي فِيكَ قَد بَلَغَ النَّصَّا
6. I am prevented from the fortune that I seek,
So I cannot come closer to you, nor keep away.
٦. صُدِدتُ عَنِ الحَظّ الَّذي أنَا طالِبٌ
فَها أنَالاَ أُدنى إليكَ ولا أُقصى
7. I accompanied the love of my heart for you, so it obeyed me,
And I asked it for patience without you, but it refused.
٧. صَحِبتُ هوى قَلبي إليكَ فطاعَني
وَطالَبتُهُ بالصَّبرِ دونَكَ فاستعصَى
8. My qualities have no described one, because I
Am annihilated, so I feel no soul or person.
٨. صِفَاتِيَ لا مَوصُوفَ فِيها لأنَّني
فَنِيتُ فلا رُوحاً أُحِسُّ ولا شَخصا
9. I was patient with things in you that I tolerated,
And were it not for you, why would I increase in pain?
٩. صَبَرتُ عَلى أشياءَ فيكَ احتَمَلتُها
ولَولاَكَ لِم أزدَد عَلى ألَمٍ حِرصا
10. Purify for me the cure of union, I am one who sacrifices,
For you in it my soul, then I hold permitted.
١٠. صِفُوا لِي دَواءَ الوصل إِنَّي باذِلٌ
لَكُم فِيهِ نَفسِي ثُمَّ أعتَقِدُ الرُّخصَا