
The people have departed while you remain,

الناس قد رحلوا وأنت مقيم

1. The people have departed while you remain,
Bidden farewell while you are veiled and deprived.

١. الناس قد رحلوا وأنت مقيم
ودُعُوا وأنت مُحجَّب محروم

2. They were true of purpose so their path was eased,
While your love of attaining desires was predestined.

٢. صدقوا العزيمة فاستقلت عيسُهُم
وهواك في نيل المنى مقسوم

3. The wave of your sin has shielded you from harm
In it lies ruin, yet I see you do not rise.

٣. غَطَّتكَ من آذى ذنبك موجة
فيها الهلاك وما أراك تقوم

4. You are blamed for leaving the Hejaz, so you waver
With no excuse, while you are accused.

٤. وتلام في ترك الحجاز فتنثني
عن غير معذرة وأنت ملوم

5. Do good, for you have parted from all wrongdoing.
Wait, for with His knowledge you are known.

٥. أحسن فقد فارقت كلَّ إساءة
مهلاً فأنت بعلمه معلوم

6. You are not among those who journeyed ahead
Toward the Prophet, nor do I see you rise.

٦. لا أنت في السَّفَر الذين تقدَّموا
نحو النبي ولا أراك تقوم

7. Whenever a coin appears to you in the sand,
You rush to sit by it and stand.

٧. وإذا بدا لك درهم في جلَّقٍ
بادرت تقعد نحوه وتقوم

8. And if God wills to assign a task to someone,
The Arabs submit to him, and the Romans.

٨. وإذا أراد الله تبليغ امرئٍ
فالعرب خاضعة له والروم

9. People are but travelers to their Lord,
While others are confused, worried and distressed.

٩. ما الناس إلا الرَّاحلون لربهم
والآخرون بلابل وهموم