1. And children like particles of dust
Black-faced, like the blackness of a pot
١. وَصِبيَةٍ مِثلِ صِغارِ الذَرِّ
سودِ الوُجوهِ كَسَوادِ القِدرِ
2. The cold came upon them, and they were joyous
With neither cloak nor coat
٢. جاءَهُمُ البَردُ وَهُم بشَر
بِغَيرِ قُطفٍ وَبِغَيرِ دُثرِ
3. You see them after the afternoon prayer
Some clinging to my chest
٣. تَراهُمُ بَعدَ صَلاةِ العَصرِ
بَعضُهُمُ مُلتَصِقٌ بِصَدري
4. Another clinging to my back
If they cried, I blamed it on the dawn
٤. وَآخَرٌ مُلتَصِقٌ بِظَهري
إِذا بَكَوا عَلَّلَتهُم بِالفَجرِ
5. Until the pillar of dawn appeared
And the sun shone, I went out a captive
٥. حَتّى إِذا لاحَ عَمودُ الفَجرِ
وَلاحَتِ الشَمسُ خرِجتُ أَسري
6. From them, and they took to the roots of the walls
As if they were beetles in a burrow
٦. عَنهُم وَحَلّوا بِأُصولِ الجُدرِ
كَأَنَّهُم خَنافِسٌ في جُحرِ
7. This is the entirety of my story and matter
So listen to my words and take on my reward
٧. هذا جَميعُ قِصَّتي وَأَمري
فَاِسمَع مَقالي وَتَوَلَّ أَجري
8. For you, you are my confidence and treasure
٨. فَأَنتَ أَنتَ ثِقَتي وَذُخري