1. I made them drink the juicy wine long ago,
Then this was their time of spring.
١. سُقيا لِحَيٍّ بِاللِوى عَهِدتُهُم
مُنذُ زَمانٍ ثُمَّ هذا رَبعُهُم
2. I knew them when living with them was joy,
Neither did the two censures hurt their reputation,
٢. عَهِدتُهُم وَالعَيشُ فيهِ غِرَّةٌ
وَلَم يُناوِ الحَدَثانُ شَعبَهُم
3. Nor did they show any desire for a glancing coquette
Who would sever my tie from their kinship.
٣. وَلَم يَبينوا لِنَوىً قَذّافَةٍ
تَقطَعُ حَبلي مِن وِصالِ حَبلِهِم
4. So I wonder if they have any wish
Or I shall find one day instead of them,
٤. فَلَيتَ شِعري هَل لَهُم مِن مَطلَبٍ
أَو أَجِدَنَّ ذاتَ يَومٍ بَدلَهُم
5. Or if a youth who weeps is excused
If he is a concerned, deserving successor of them.
٥. أَوَ يُعذَرَنَّ بِالبُكاءِ إِن بَكى
صَبٌّ مُعَنّىً مُستَحَقٌّ إِثرَهُم
6. Obliged with yearning, he does not forget them,
Grants them love and keeps their covenant,
٦. مُكَلَّفٌ بِالشَوقِ لا يَنساهُمُ
يَمنَحُهُم وُدّاً وَيرعى عَهدَهُم
7. And fulfills vows when he sees them
And one day his living and their living return.
٧. وَيُنذِرُ النُذورَ إِن رَآهُمُ
وَعادَ يَوماً عَيشُهُ وَعَيشُهُم
8. No, by the Lord of the Throne, he will not meet them
Nor will his feast and their feast return.
٨. وَلا وَرَبِّ العَرشِ لا يَلقاهُمُ
وَلا يَعودُ عيدُهُ وَعيدُهُم
9. And how can an old man meet them
When time has passed and their star has fallen?
٩. وَكَيفَ يَلقاهُم كَبيرٌ سِنُّهُ
وَقَد مَضى الدَهرُ وَطاحَ نَجمُهُم
10. Stop counting yourself among their mention
And aim towards others besides them.
١٠. هَيهاتَ عَدِّ النَفسَ عَن ذِكراهُمُ
وَاِقصِد لِنَحوِ آخَرينَ غَيرِهِم
11. This, and I have seen myself, so I have not blamed
My opinion when men blame their opinion.
١١. هَذا وَقَد أَرَيتُني فَلَم أَلُم
رَأيي إِذا لامَ الرِجالُ رَأيَهُم
12. I call on Ibn Sahl, his glory,
When my family's matter has burdened me.
١٢. أَدعو بنَ سَهلٍ حَسناً وَمَجدَهُ
حينَ تَعَيّا بِعَيالي أَمرُهُم
13. I remain calling his name and besides him
Are many people whom I have left.
١٣. أَظَلُّ أَدعو بِاِسمِهِ وَدونَهُ
قَومٌ كَثيرٌ رَغبَةً تَرَكتُهُم
14. I chose him over them,
And they have no fault and I do not blame them.
١٤. تَخَيُّراً اِختَرتُهُ عَلَيهِمُ
وَلا بِهِم بَأسٌ وَلا ذَمَمتُهُم
15. They slept, so when I saw their sleep
I endured it and did not wake them up.
١٥. ناموا فَلَمّا أَن رَأَيتُ نَومَهُم
عَنّي تَحَمَّلتُ فَما أَيقَظتُهُم
16. O son of honorable parents, great over the great,
Your knee adorned with lasting beauty and their weight,
١٦. يا اِبنَ كِرامٍ كابِراً عَن كابِرِ
زانوكَ زَيناً باقِياً وَزِنتَهُم
17. They were the nobles who conquered all,
None in the two worlds are like them.
١٧. كانوا هُمُ الأَشرافُ سادوا كُلُّهُم
ما في جَميعِ العالَمينَ مِثلُهُم
18. They built all the glory in the past
And you build it likewise after them.
١٨. بَنَوا جَميعَ المَجدِ فيما قَد مَضى
وَأَنتَ تَبنيهِ كَذاكَ بَعدَهُم
19. In a noble, supported honor,
No builder built it but them before them.
١٩. في شَرفٍ مُؤَيَّدٍ أَركانُهُ
لَم يَبنهِ بانٍ سِواهُم قَبلَهُم
20. So O son of Sahl, and son of forefathers whom
Were intimate friends long ago, so their excellence,
٢٠. فَيا اِبنَ سَهلٍ وَاِبنَ آباءٍ لَهُ
كانوا مَناجيبَ قَديماً فَضلُهُم
21. By Allah, you do not spend a morning among a people
Unless you are their sun and their full moon.
٢١. وَاللَهِ ما تُصبِحُ بَينَ مَعشَرٍ
إِلّا وَأَنتَ شَمسُهُم وَبَدرُهُم
22. And people are grasping, like stagnant water,
And continuous treason, while you are their sea.
٢٢. وَالناسُ آخاذٌ وَماءٌ ناقِعٌ
وَغُدُرٌ تَجري وَأَنتَ بَحرُهُم
23. And people are races, as they are portrayed,
Among them is good, and you are their good.
٢٣. وَالناسُ أَجناسٌ كَما قَد مُثِّلوا
وَفيهُمُ الخَيرُ وَأَنتَ خَيرُهُم
24. Far from it! O Commander of the Faithful! He is
The Caliph of Allah and you are their in-law.
٢٤. حاشا أَميرِ المُؤمِنينَ إِنَّهُ
خَليفَةُ اللَهِ وَأَنتَ صِهرُهُم
25. So they managed well when they gave advice
And secured reproach, so their advice was long.
٢٥. فَأَحسَنوا التَدبيرَ لَمّا ناصَحوا
وَأَمَّنوا العَتبَ فَطالَ نُصحُهُم
26. I complain to you of young children and their mother
Who are never satisfied, and their father is like them.
٢٦. إِلَيكَ أَشكو صِبيَةً وَأُمَّهُم
لا يَشبَعونَ وَأَبوهُم مِثلُهُم
27. They have eaten game but it did not satisfy them
And drank water but their drinking was long.
٢٧. قَد أَكَلوا الوَحشَ فَلَم يُشبِعهُمُ
وَشَرِبوا الماء فَطالَ شُربُهُم
28. They tasted taste, oh their life!
And if they got to chew, it would be their wedding.
٢٨. وَاِمتَذَقوا المَذقَ فَيا دُنياهُمُ
وَالمَضغُ إِن نالوهُ فَهُوَ عُرسُهُم
29. They do not know bread but by its name
And dates! Never, they do not have any.
٢٩. لا يَعرِفونَ الخُبزَ إِلّا بِاِسمِهِ
وَالتَمرُ هَيهاتَ فَلَيسَ عِندَهُم
30. They have not seen fruit hanging in its branches
Nor have they seen it falling towards them.
٣٠. وَما رَأَوا فاكِهَةً في عيصَها
وَلا رَأَوها وَهِيَ تَهوي نَحوَهُم
31. They have no known earner
In the farmland except their calf.
٣١. وَما لَهُم مِن كاسِبٍ عَلِمتَهُ
عَلى جَديدِ الأَرضِ غَيرُ جَحشِهِم
32. And their calf has spent the night devastating towns
And their dog is like tree stumps.
٣٢. وَجَحشُهُم قَد باتَ مَنهوبَ القِرى
وَمِثلُ أَعوادِ الشُكاعى كَلبُهُم
33. It is as if I am one of them and if I gain them
They would be my patrons and I their slave,
٣٣. كَأَنَّني فيهِم وَإِن وَليتُهُم
كانوا مَوالِيَّ وَكُنتُ عَبدَهُم
34. Striving for victory, never betraying them,
I pray for them, O Lord, make their matter sound.
٣٤. مُجتَهِداً بِالنَصرِ لا آلوهُمُ
أَدعو لَهُم يا رَبُّ سَلِّم أَمرَهُم
35. And sometimes I say from what I see,
O Lord, distance them and their homes.
٣٥. وَتارَةً أَقولُ مِمّا قَد أَرى
يا رَبُّ باعِدهُم وَباعِد دارَهُم
36. They take shelter at night when they are distressed
To the cooking pots of ashes, and those are their pots.
٣٦. يَأوونَ بِاللَيلِ إِذا ما أُحرِجوا
إِلى ذُرى اللُهَيمِ وَهيَ قِدرُهُم
37. Around it they wander when they squat
And it is to them their father and mother.
٣٧. بِها يَطوفونَ إِذا ما اِجرَنثَموا
وَهيَ أَبوهُم عِندَهُم وَأُمُّهُم
38. The foreheads of the heads knocked together out of misery
And their hearing is muffled.
٣٨. زُغبُ الرُؤوسِ قَرِعَت هاماتُهُم
مِنَ البَلا وَاِستَكَّ مِنهُم سَمعُهُم
39. As if they are the progeny of barren land,
A place so if they are given arrows their arrowheads are blunt.
٣٩. كَأَنَّهُم جَنابُ أَرضٍ مُجدِبٌ
مَحلٌ فَلَو يُعطَونَ أَوجى سَهمُهُم
40. Rather, if you see them you would know they are
A people slight of sleep.
٤٠. بَل لَو تَراهُم لَعَلِمتَ أَنَّهُم
قَومٌ مَساغيبُ قَليلٌ نَومُهُم
41. And like deadly snakes in their burrows
If they bite their poison would burn.
٤١. وَكَالسَعالى في مُسوكِها
فَلَو يَعَضّونَ لَذَكّى سمّهُم
42. They have challenged fate, and it has tested them,
This is its habit, and their habit.
٤٢. قَد جَرَّسوا الدَهرَ وَقَد بَلاهُمُ
هذا وَهذا دَأبُهُ وَدَأبُهُم
43. They do not live a plentiful life,
Nor do they die, and that is their shortage.
٤٣. وَلا يَعيشونَ بِعَيشٍ سابِغٍ
وَلا يَموتونَ وَذاكَ قَصرُهُم
44. And we hoped, O son of Sahl, for gain
From you that lessens their poverty and misery.
٤٤. وَقَد رَجَونا يا اِبنَ سَهلٍ نائِلاً
مِنكَ يَرُمُّ فَقرَهُم وَبُؤسَهُم
45. For you are the life of their like
So be generous with gain, do not neglect them
٤٥. فَإِنَّما أَنتَ حَيا أَمثالِهِم
فَجُدلُهُم بِنائِلٍ لا تَنسَهَم
46. And give them your bounty and make
All that, praise and thanks, with them.
٤٦. وَأَسدِ نُعماكَ إِلَيهِم وَاِتَّخِذ
حَمداً وَشُكراً كُلَّ ذاكَ عِندَهُم
47. While you have been deprived of their fortune
So do not be generous after them to creation.
٤٧. هذا وَأَنتَ قَد حُرِمتَ حَظَّهُم
فَلا تَجودَنَّ لِخَلقٍ بَعدَهُم