1. By my life! How good for a man to knock as a stranger
When the night approaches its end and all is ruined
١. لعمري لنعمَ المرءُ يطرقُ ضَيفُةُ
إذا بانَ من ليلٍ التمام هزيعُ
2. Generous when in his saddlebags there is nothing but want
When he shows the ladies his burning desire
٢. بَذولٌ لما في رحله غيرُ زُمَحٍ
إذا أبرزَ الحور الروائعَجوع
3. When the sun rises in the sky as though
It were a bride carried from her bedchamber veiled
٣. إذا الشمس اضحت في السماء كأنها
من المحلِ حُضٌ قد علاهُ ردوعُ