
And were it not for fear it would be said, "He is love smitten in youth,"

ولولا ان يقال صبا نصيب

1. And were it not for fear it would be said, "He is love smitten in youth,"
I would have said to myself when still a child:

١. وَلَولا اِن يُقال صبا نُصيبُ
لَقُلتُ بِنَفسي النَشأ الصِغار

2. "Oh, would that I had gambled it away from her!
If only gambling were lawful for people!"

٢. أَلا يا لَيتَني قامَرتُ عَنها
وَكانَ يحل لِلنّاسِ القِمار

3. So it would have belonged to me and I would have kept my fortune,
a profit - if only merchants knew! -

٣. فَصارَت في يَدي وَقمرت مالي
وَذاكَ الرِبح لَو عَلِم التِجار

4. From holding myself back and hesitating about her.
For if you make a promise, fulfilling it leads only to regret.

٤. عَلى الاِعراض مِنها وَالتَواني
فَاِن وَعدت فَمَوعِدِها ضَمار

5. I swear by my life, every debased coward who desire her,
if he subdues her, has no power to defend himself.

٥. بِنَفسي كُل مَهضوم حَشاها
إِذا قَهَرت فَلَيسَ لَها اِنتِصار

6. When slippery paths double the cowards,
it is enough for her that a flimsy lower garment clothes her!

٦. إِذا ما الزل ضاعَفن الحَشايا
كَفاها اِن يَلاث بها اِزار

7. If a moth saw her, it would fly away with the spirits -
a startled soul!

٧. وَلَو رَأَت الفَراشَةُ طار مِنها
مَعَ الاِرواحِ روح مُستَطار