
And Shauqi was awoken after I had been asleep

ونبه شوقي بعدما كنت نائما

1. And Shauqi was awoken after I had been asleep
By the warbling of the dawn, yearning and humming

١. ونبه شَوقي بَعدَما كُنت نائِما
هتوف الضُحى مَشغوفَة بِالتَرنم

2. An innocent necklace that came without evil
For money and was not mortgaged for a few dirhams

٢. محلاة طوق كانَ من غَير شرية
بِمال وَلَم تُغرَم لَهُ جعل دِرهم

3. I die from her weeping, miserable that my agony
And ecstasy found in my joy pitiful lyrics

٣. اِموتُ لِمَبكاها اسى ان لَوعَتي
وَوجدي بِسُعدى شَجوه غير منجم

4. She wept her agony under the darkness so the
Trickling tears converged onto her every temple

٤. بَكت شجوها تحتَ الدجى فَتَساجَمت
اِلَيها غُروب الدَمع في كُل مسجم

5. Had I met her weeping I would’ve cried youthfully
In my joy healed my soul before regret

٥. فَلَو قَبلَ مَبكاها بَكيت صَبابَة
بِسُعدى شَفيت النَفسَ قَبل التَندم

6. But she cried before me so her weeping roused
My weeping, so I said virtue is for the regretful

٦. وَلكِن بَكت قَبلي فَهيجَ لي البكا
بَكاها فَقُلت الفَضل لِلمتندم